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Flex 2.1.4

Maintenance release Critical


Flex Appliance 2.1.4 is a Maintenance Release that includes important product and security fixes


Flex Appliance 2.1.4 is a Maintenance Release, that includes important security and product fixes. 2.1.4 can be only be installed on NetBackup Flex Appliance version 2.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.2 SP1, or 2.1.3. 


Veritas recommends that you install 2.1.4 as soon as possible to make sure that you have the latest product fixes. See the Flex Appliance Getting Started and Administration Guide for the steps to install the update. 


See the Release Notes for details about the contents of 2.1.4.. 

Applies to the following product releases

Update files

File name Description Version Platform Size