Arctera™ Insight Personal Archive Help
- Getting started
- Working with messages
- Using Search
- Boolean operator searches
- Using Insight Personal Archive tags
- Using Folder Sync
- Insight Personal Archive known issues
- Insight Personal Archive updates in previous releases
About stop words and special characters in searches
Stop words are a set of commonly used words that Insight Personal Archive ignores when it performs a search. Insight Personal Archive treats the following words as stop words:
a, an, and, are, as, at
be, but, by
if, in, into, is, it
no, not
of, on, or
that, the, their, then, there, these, they, this, to
was, will, with
The stop words are supported in English only, unless your company subscribes to the option to perform enhanced searches in Japanese.
Note the following special cases:
The words AND, OR, and NOT act as operators in a Boolean operator search.
Insight Personal Archive omits the following special characters from searches:
* @ # $ % ^ & - + = _ { } [ ] , < > ; : / \ ?
Note the following special cases:
Question marks and asterisks act as wildcard characters in a wildcard search.
See Wildcard searches.