Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Setting up IMAP
- About this guide
- Setting up IMAP
- About IMAP
- Configuring IMAP and enabling users for IMAP access
- Editing the IMAP notification message
- Defining IMAP provisioning groups
- Using the IMAP dashboard
- PowerShell cmdlets for IMAP
Using Get-EVIMAPUserSettings
Get-EVIMAPUserSettings lists the IMAP and the SMTP connection settings for the Windows user whose SID (security identifier) you provide. Use the following syntax when you run Get-EVIMAPUserSettings:
Get-EVIMAPUserSettings -SID [-FullFormatUserName [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]
Example 1:
Get-EVIMAPUserSettings -SID S-1-5-21-1295326745-1955594489-3830948510-1117
This lists the IMAP and the SMTP connection settings for the specified user, and details about the archive and its status.
Archivename : JohnDoe ArchiveOwner : True ArchiveType : Internet Mail IMAP_Connection_Security : SSL/TLS IMAP_Password : Use the password for account: EMEA\JohnDoe IMAP_Port : 993 IMAP_Server : IMAP_UserName : EMEA\JohnDoe ReadyForIMAP : True SMTP_Connection_Security : None SMTP_Password : Not applicable SMTP_Port : 25 SMTP_Server : SMTP_UserName : Not applicable WindowsUser : EMEA\JohnDoe
Example 2:
Get-EVIMAPUserSettings -SID S-1-5-21-1295326745-1955594489-3830948510-1117 -FullFormatUserName
This lists the IMAP and the SMTP connection settings for the specified user, and details about the archive and its status. The -FullFormatUserName parameter includes an identifier in IMAP_UserName. Here is an example of the output from Get-EVIMAPUserSettings:
Archivename : JohnDoe ArchiveOwner : True ArchiveType : Internet Mail IMAP_Connection_Security : SSL/TLS IMAP_Password : Use the password for account: EMEA\JohnDoe IMAP_Port : 993 IMAP_Server : IMAP_UserName : EMEA\JohnDoe\1962 ReadyForIMAP : True SMTP_Connection_Security : None SMTP_Password : Not applicable SMTP_Port : 25 SMTP_Server : SMTP_UserName : Not applicable WindowsUser : EMEA\JohnDoe
The ArchiveOwner value indicates whether or not the specified user is the owner of the archive that is listed. True means that the specified user owns the archive; False means that the specified user has delegate access to the archive.
Note also the ReadyForIMAP value. When you provision and enable an Exchange user for IMAP access, their existing Exchange archive must be MDS-enabled. Provisioning automatically creates an indexing subtask to enable the archive, and this subtask is processed the next time the index administration task runs. Until this subtask is processed, the ReadyForIMAP value that is listed by Get-EVIMAPUserSettings is False.
The IMAP_UserName value includes an identifier at the end for all the archives that the user can access. This identifier is included because the -FullFormatUserName parameter is specified. Without this parameter, the identifier would be omitted for the default archive.