Veritas™ System Recovery 21 Linux Edition: Quick Installation Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): System Recovery (21)

Installing Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition

Before you begin, you should review the requirements and scenarios for installing Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition.

Root privileges are required to install the Veritas_System_Recovery.bin.

To install Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition

  1. Log on to your computer as the root user.
  2. Copy the Veritas_System_Recovery.bin file from the download or the product DVD to a folder on your Linux computer.
  3. Make the Veritas_System_Recovery.bin file an executable by changing to the directory where you copied it and entering the following command at the Linux console:

    chmod +x Veritas_System_Recovery.bin

  4. Start the installation process by entering the following command at the Linux terminal:



    The command that you specified assumes that you are currently in the same directory where the Veritas_System_Recovery.bin file is located. If that is not the case, you must either change to that folder or specify the proper path to it.

  5. Page through the license agreement and accept it by entering a y or yes at the prompt.
  6. If you want to install the utility for creating a Veritas Recovery Disk, type a y or yes at the install Veritas Recovery Disk creation utility prompt.

    createSRD is a command line utility for creating a Veritas Recovery Disk CD. A Veritas Recovery Disk CD is not included with Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition. You must create the CD manually using the createSRD utility.

  7. If you want to install the Granular File Recovery utility for mounting a recovery point, type a y or yes at the install Granular File Recovery utility prompt.

    Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition includes command line utilities for mounting or unmounting a recovery point so you can restore individual files and folders.


If you choose not to install the utilities you can run the installation process later. The installation program automatically detects that Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition is installed and prompts you to install the utilities that are not installed.

See When you delay licensing.