Enterprise Vault™ Compliance Accelerator Administrator's Guide
- Overview and latest updates
- Understanding Veritas Surveillance
- Configuring Compliance Accelerator Desktop Client
- Importing configuration data from an XML file
- Grouping departments into partitions
- Setting Compliance Accelerator system configuration options
- Creating and viewing reports
- Enhanced reporting
- Accessing reports through the OData web service
- Appendix A. Troubleshooting
Vault Directory Synchronization configuration options
Use these settings to configure when Compliance Accelerator synchronizes with the Enterprise Vault archives.
Archive registration/deregistration task period (minutes) | Specifies the frequency in minutes with which to run the archive registration/deregistration task. The default is 60 minutes. To prevent the accidental deletion of Enterprise Vault archives whose contents appear in the Compliance Accelerator review set or search results, this task registers an interest in the archives. The task also discards existing archive registrations when they are no longer required. See also the options "Enable archive registration task" and "Discard existing archive registrations after you turn off 'Enable archive registration task'". |
Archive selection page size | Specifies the maximum number of Enterprise Vault archives to display on a single page during archive selection. By default, Compliance Accelerator lists a maximum of 100 archives. If the number of available archives exceeds the value that you specify here, Compliance Accelerator displays some extra hyperlinks so that you can page through the archives. |
Automatically enable new Vault Stores in departments/cases | Specifies whether, when a new vault store is created, Compliance Accelerator automatically includes it in searches. The options are as follows:
Discard existing archive registrations after you turn off 'Enable archive registration task' | Specifies whether to keep or discard any existing archive registrations if you choose to disable the archive registration task. By default, Enterprise Vault keeps the existing archive registrations after you disable the task. See also the options "Archive Registration task period (minutes)" and "Archive registration/deregistration task period (minutes)". |
Enable archive registration task | Specifies whether to enable or disable the archive registration task. By default, the task is enabled. If you disable it, a message prompts you to choose the required setting for the option "Discard existing archive registrations after you turn off 'Enable archive registration task'". See also the option "Archive Registration task period (minutes)". |
Synchronize archives on search | Specifies whether to synchronize all the archives when running a new search. By default, Compliance Accelerator does not synchronize all the archives. |
Synchronize Retention Categories on search | Specifies whether to synchronize all the retention categories when running a new search. By default, Compliance Accelerator does not synchronize all the retention categories. |
Synchronize thread checking period (sec) | Specifies the frequency in seconds with which Compliance Accelerator synchronizes with the Enterprise Vault archives. The default is 21600 (six hours). For best results, you may want to change the synchronization period to 3600 (one hour). The more frequently synchronization occurs, the greater the load on the Compliance Accelerator database. However, if the synchronization is not frequent enough, Compliance Accelerator may take a long time to recognize new archives, vault stores, and retention categories. |
Synchronize Vault Stores when viewing Department/Case properties | Specifies whether to synchronize the vault stores when displaying the properties page for a department. By default, Compliance Accelerator does not synchronize the vault stores. |