Enterprise Vault™ Compliance Accelerator Administrator's Guide
- Overview and latest updates
- Understanding Veritas Surveillance
- Configuring Compliance Accelerator Desktop Client
- Importing configuration data from an XML file
- Grouping departments into partitions
- Setting Compliance Accelerator system configuration options
- Creating and viewing reports
- Enhanced reporting
- Accessing reports through the OData web service
- Appendix A. Troubleshooting
Accessing data through the Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
The SSRS reports are discontinued, however, the previously generated reports are saved and organized in a folder provided on the SSRS database server. Contact your database administrator if needed. Either the administrator can grant you access to the SSRS reports by providing you with individual report links or by assigning the
permission on the SSRS Database server or the folder itself. You can then access the entire folder on the web portal.To access the SSRS reports
- Ensure that you have the My Reports permission that is mandatory for accessing the SSRS reports.
If you do not have the My Reports permission, contact your database administrator. Either the database administrator can directly grant you access to the SSRS reports by providing you with individual report links or assign this permission to the SSRS Database server or the folder itself.
- Specify the below-mentioned information in the following URL and then launch it.
Home > Compliance Accelerator Reports > Folder with name as Compliance Accelerator Customer's name > Folder with name as Windows username who has generated the reports in the " <Domain><space character><username>" format.
For example, in Compliance Accelerator, if there is a customer named ABC-Finance, and a user with the login name MyDomain\User1 has generated reports, the folder structure will be:
Home > Compliance Accelerator Reports > ABC-Finance > MyDomain User1
The application will navigate you to the folder containing SSRS reports.