Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Compliance Accelerator Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (12.2)
  1. Introducing Compliance Accelerator
      Key features of Compliance Accelerator
      About the Compliance Accelerator components
      The Compliance Accelerator process
      About randomly sampling items with Compliance Accelerator
      About the intelligent review feature in Compliance Accelerator
      About the deduplication feature in Compliance Accelerator
    7. Product documentation
        White papers on the Veritas Support website
  2. Introducing the Compliance Accelerator client
      About the Compliance Accelerator client
      Opening the Compliance Accelerator client
      Finding your way around the Compliance Accelerator client
  3. Setting up employees and employee groups
      About employees and employee groups
      Creating employee profiles
      Mapping employee properties to Active Directory or Domino directory attributes
      Editing the details of employees
      Creating employee groups
    6. Assigning roles to employees
        About the predefined Compliance Accelerator roles
        About the Compliance Accelerator permissions
        Creating Compliance Accelerator roles
        Editing the properties of Compliance Accelerator roles
        Assigning Compliance Accelerator roles to employees or groups
        Deleting Compliance Accelerator roles
  4. Working with departments
      About departments
      Creating departments
      Adding monitored employees and groups to departments
      Editing the monitoring policy for employees and groups
      Moving employees or groups between departments
      Moving departments
      Assigning department reviewers, compliance supervisors, and delegates
    8. Implementing Chinese Walls security
        Enabling Chinese Walls
        Managing Department Users
    9. Managing exception employees
        Designating employees as exceptions
        Assigning further exception reviewers to an exception
        Moving an exception employee to another department
        Removing exception status
        Removing exception reviewers
    10. Grouping departments into partitions
        Creating department partitions
    11. Using attributes to classify departments
        Setting up department attributes
        Assigning attributes to departments
  5. Searching for items
    1. About searching with Compliance Accelerator
        Limitations on searching certain types of Skype for Business content
      Creating and running Compliance Accelerator searches
      About the search criteria options
      Guidelines on conducting effective searches
      Pausing and resuming Compliance Accelerator searches
      About the Monitor Searches tab
      Searching the items of exception employees
      Selecting the archives in which to search
    9. Building Compliance Accelerator search schedules
        Setting up new search schedules
        Examples of recurring search schedules
    10. Defining hotwords to search for
        Adding hotwords
        Editing existing hotwords
        Deleting hotwords
        Adding hotword sets
        Editing existing hotword sets
        Deleting hotword sets
        Importing the predefined hotwords
      Configuring how Compliance Accelerator handles email addresses
      Using Compliance Accelerator to search archived Skype for Business content
  6. Manually reviewing items
    1. About reviewing with Compliance Accelerator
        Limitations on reviewing certain types of Skype for Business content
      About the Review pane
      How the Prevent self-review option limits the reviewing activities of exception employees
      Filtering the items in the Review pane
      Assigning review marks to items
      Adding comments to items
      Viewing the history of items
      Displaying printable versions of items
      Downloading the original versions of items
      Copying the item list to the Clipboard
      Changing how the Review pane looks
      Setting your Review pane preferences
    13. Escalating items
        Assigning escalated items to other escalation reviewers
        Closing escalated items
      Storing reviewing comments for reuse
  7. Working with research folders
      About research folders
      Creating research folders
      Copying items to research folders
      Reviewing the items in research folders
      Exporting items from research folders
      Giving other users access to your research folders
      Committing research folder items to the department review set
  8. Exporting items
    1. About exporting items
        Limitations on exporting certain types of content
      Performing an export run
      About the limits on the number of simultaneous export runs
      How to optimize export runs
      Exporting items from the review set of an exception employee
      Making the export IDs visible in Microsoft Outlook
  9. Creating and viewing reports
      About the Compliance Accelerator reports
      Creating Compliance Accelerator reports
    3. Available Compliance Accelerator reports
        Compliance Supervisor Responsibility report
        Department Roles Detail report
        Department Roles Summary report
        Differential Sampling Summary by Department report
        Effective Roles by User report
        Evidence of message type Review by Department/Employee reports
        Item Aging by Department report
        Message Stats Summary report
        Message Summary report
        Monitored IDs by Department report
        Questioned Items by Department report
        Responsibility by Department report
        Responsibility by Reviewer report
        Review Activity Summary by Department report
        Reviewer Activity by Department report
        Reviewer Activity Detail report
        Reviewer Mapping report
        Unreviewed Departments report
        Unsupervised Departments report
      Viewing existing reports
      Deleting reports
    6. About viewing Compliance Accelerator datasets using the OData web service
        Available Compliance Accelerator datasets
        Accessing the Compliance Accelerator datasets
        Using the OData service with Microsoft Excel
        Using the OData service with Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
  10. Appendix A. Customizing Compliance Accelerator
      Specifying the Windows domains with which to synchronize employee details
      Customizing the reviewing action statuses
    3. Setting Compliance Accelerator system configuration options
        Ad Hoc Searches configuration options
        Diagnostics configuration options
        Document Conversion configuration options
        Export/production configuration options
        General configuration options
        Home Page configuration options
        Item Prefetch Cache configuration options
        Item Prefetch Cache (Advanced) configuration options
        Policy Integration configuration options
        Profile Synchronization configuration options
        Random Capture configuration options
        Reviewing configuration options
        Search configuration options
        Security configuration options
        System configuration options
        Vault Directory Synchronization configuration options
      Customizing the columns in the Review pane
  11. Appendix B. Importing configuration data from an XML file
      About importing configuration data
      Sample XML files
      Format of the Dataload.xml file
      Importing the configuration data
    5. About the ImportExport command
        ImportExport syntax
        Examples of ImportExport commands
  12. Appendix C. Troubleshooting
      A security warning may appear when you preview certain items in the Review pane of the Compliance Accelerator client
      Issues with the random sampling of items
      Display issues when you run the Compliance Accelerator client in Windows 8 or later
      Display issues when you open a Compliance Accelerator website in Internet Explorer 10 or later
      Vault stores not displayed in the Compliance Accelerator client
      Compliance Accelerator searches return unexpected results
      Errors when exporting items from Compliance Accelerator
      TNEF-encoded attachments to Internet Mail (.eml) messages may not be readable after you export the messages from a review set
      Synchronization errors after you rename the SQL Server computer
      Performance counter errors when the Accelerator Manager service starts
      SQL Service Broker warning when restoring a customer database to a different server
    12. Issues with Compliance Accelerator reports
        You receive the message "An error occurred creating the report" when you try to generate reports
        Prompt to install SQL Server when printing a report for the first time
        Reports that you export as CSV may not open properly in Microsoft Excel
        Garbled Japanese characters when exporting reports in Acrobat format
        Troubleshooting OData errors

Creating departments

Within Compliance Accelerator, you can organize monitored employees into departments that reflect the structure of your company. You can add either a new top-level department or a nested department (a child department of an existing department).

The minimum information that is needed to create a department is its name and owner. The owner can be any employee that you have added to the system, but is typically the main system administrator for Compliance Accelerator.

You must have the Create Departments permission to add a new department. By default, users with the application role of App User Admin have this permission.

To create a department

  1. Click the Departments tab in the Compliance Accelerator client.
  2. In the Departments pane at the left, do one of the following:
    • To create a top-level department, click All Departments and then click New Department at the top of the window.

    • To create a department that is the child of an existing department, click that department and then click the Properties tab. Then click New Department Here at the top of the window.

      If Compliance Accelerator lists a lot of departments, you can filter the list with the fields at the top of the pane. As well as filtering the departments by name, you can choose whether to list any exception employees, folders, and reviewers that are associated with them.

    The Department pane appears.

    Department pane
  3. In the Name box, type a unique name for the department.

    The name can contain spaces and non-ASCII characters.

  4. In the Status box, choose whether to make the department open or closed.

    If you choose Closed, no monitoring of employees in the department occurs, and the department name does not appear in the start page of the application. However, employees who are also monitored in other departments continue to be monitored in those departments.

  5. In the Owner box, select the display name and Windows user account of the principal administrator for the department.

    Each department has an owner, who must have a Windows logon but does not need any special Windows or Compliance Accelerator privileges. By default, Compliance Accelerator grants the permissions that are associated with the User Admin role to department owners. These permissions are as follows:

    • Grant Users Access

    • Add Monitored Employees

    • Configure Department Properties

    • View Reports

  6. If you want to create a nested department that is a child of an existing one, ensure that the Parent Department box shows the correct department.
  7. If you have set up one or more department attributes, enter the required attribute values in the Identity Attributes section.

  8. Select or clear the following options in the Options section:

    Can contain departments

    Specifies whether you can create nested departments under this department.

    Can contain monitored employees

    Specifies whether you can add monitored employees to this department. You may want to clear this option in cases where you need to set up a department hierarchy, where the top-level departments do not contain any monitored employees, but the nested departments do.

  9. In the Export details section, specify the default options to use when you export items for offline review. The options are as follows:

    Item ID padding

    Specifies the number of digits to use in the export number for each item. The default is 6.

    Item ID prefix

    Specifies the text to use as a prefix for the export number for each item. You may want to use letters to identify the export in accordance with legal or company naming convention.

    Show Example

    Displays a preview of the complete ID.

    Output folder

    Specifies the folder on the Compliance Accelerator server in which to store the exported items.

    To export items to another computer, specify the UNC path to a share, as in \\my_computer\exports. However, if you want to export the items as a Personal Folder (.pst) file, we recommend that you specify the NTFS path; for example, Z:\exports. Windows does not support exporting to a .pst file through a UNC path.

    The folder path can contain up to 100 characters.

  10. In the Search details section, specify the policy that Compliance Accelerator must follow when it adds the results of a search to the department review set. The options are as follows:

    Default percentage sample for new searches

    Specifies the minimum percentage of the items that a search returns to add to the review set. When you create a search, you can qualify this option further by specifying the minimum number of items that are required per employee.


    Stops the department administrators from changing the sample rate for new searches.

    Searchable Vault Stores

    Lets you select the vault stores whose archives are to be available for searching in the department. Department administrators with the appropriate permissions can customize the list of archives for searches in their departments.

  11. In the Intelligent review section, choose options for the learning engine in Compliance Accelerator. This engine allows Compliance Accelerator to sample and search for items intelligently, based on the actions that reviewers have taken on earlier items. For example, after a reviewer has marked a spam message or out-of-office reply as irrelevant then, when Compliance Accelerator detects other items that have similar characteristics, it can handle them in the same way.

    To determine the relevance of an item, Compliance Accelerator looks at the item's metadata and its route from sender to recipients. However, Compliance Accelerator does not evaluate the content of the item.

    Learning behavior for sampling

    The options that are available depend on whether you use guaranteed sampling, which is the default sampling mode, or statistical sampling.

    • None. Compliance Accelerator samples items in the normal way, without implementing Intelligent Review.

    • Sample exact percentage and prioritize (guaranteed sampling) or Sample statistical percentage and prioritize (statistical sampling). Compliance Accelerator samples both relevant items and irrelevant items without favoring one over the other. So, if your monitoring policy requires that you capture and review 10% of items, Compliance Accelerator captures 10% - but a substantial number of the items may be irrelevant. With this option, however, Compliance Accelerator does give the items a status of either Unreviewed (Irrelevant) or Unreviewed (Relevant) as it adds them to the review set. When you later review the items in the Review pane, you can filter them by their Unreviewed status to distinguish between the relevant and irrelevant items.

    • Sample exact percentage of relevant content in addition to current sample (guaranteed sampling only). Compliance Accelerator adds both relevant items and irrelevant items to the review set until it has captured the required percentage of relevant items. With this option, therefore, Compliance Accelerator may capture more items for review than your monitoring policy demands. For example, suppose that your policy requires you to review 10% of items. To achieve the required number of items, you may need to capture 20% of items, only half of which are relevant.

    • Sample exact percentage of available relevant content (guaranteed sampling) or Sample statistical percentage of ONLY relevant content (statistical sampling). Compliance Accelerator discards all content that it considers irrelevant and samples relevant content only, until it has captured the required percentage. So, if your monitoring policy requires that you capture and review 10% of items, Compliance Accelerator captures precisely 10%.

      In the case of guaranteed sampling only, if there are too few relevant items to fulfil the monitoring policy then Compliance Accelerator supplements them with irrelevant items. For example, suppose that 100 items are available for sampling, and your monitoring policy requires you to capture 10% of them. If only seven items are relevant, Compliance Accelerator adds three irrelevant items to achieve the required number of 10 items. In statistical sampling mode, Compliance Accelerator does not supplement the relevant items with irrelevant ones.

    Relevance threshold

    Specifies the level of confidence that Compliance Accelerator must have in the accuracy of its prediction before it awards items the status of Unreviewed (Irrelevant). The further right you move the slider, the more confidence Compliance Accelerator must have in the accuracy of its prediction.

    The following graph shows the relationship between the position of the slider and the irrelevance threshold that items must achieve:

    For example, suppose that Compliance Accelerator identifies an item as potentially irrelevant. With the slider fully to the left, Compliance Accelerator does not need to have any confidence in the accuracy of its prediction to assign the Irrelevant status to the item. On the other hand, with the slider fully to the right, Compliance Accelerator must have at least 60% confidence in the accuracy of its prediction to assign this status.

    The default slider value is a little below medium (the red line), which means that Compliance Accelerator must have 20% or more confidence in the accuracy of its prediction to assign the Irrelevant status. Items that fail to achieve this score are assigned the status of Unreviewed (Relevant).

    Clear Learning

    Discards all the accumulated learning behavior for this department.

  12. On the Monitoring tab, set the general policy for randomly sampling the items of each employee and adding them to the review set every day.
    Monitoring policies tab

    The options are as follows:

    Disable monitoring of all employees in this department

    Specifies whether to stop monitoring all employees in the department. Reviewers and department administrators can still access the department. Employees who are also monitored in other departments continue to be monitored in those departments.

    If you select this option, you disable all the other options on the Monitoring tab.

    Review requirement for all policies

    When selected, sets the same monitoring policy for all types of items. For example, you would set this option to 75 to require that 75% of all types of items are captured and reviewed.

    If you previously set different monitoring policies for different types of items, selecting this option applies the highest percentage to them all.

    Review requirement per policy

    When selected, lets you set different monitoring policies for different types of items.

    Cap the total number of messages in this department

    Lets you set a limit on the number of randomly-sampled items that Compliance Accelerator captures and adds to the department review set. You can set an overall total or a limit for each type of item.

    Capping applies only to randomly-sampled items that you capture in statistical sampling mode. It does not apply to the following:

    • Randomly-sampled items that you capture in guaranteed sampling mode.

    • Items that you find when you conduct searches.

    • Items that policy management software has tagged for inclusion in the review set.

    Note that if you are legally required to monitor a certain percentage of each employee's items, capping the total number of messages in this department may prevent you from meeting this requirement.

    Message Type/Review Requirement/Capping

    For each type of item, specifies as a percentage value the number of each employee's items to capture and add to the review set. Enter 0 for the item types that you do not use.

    The types of Microsoft Exchange, SMTP, Domino, and fax items are as follows:

    • Internal. Selects the items where the author and all recipients are internal to your organization.

    • External Inbound. Selects the items where the author is external to your organization and at least one recipient is internal.

    • External Outbound. Selects the items where the author is internal to your organization and at least one recipient is external.

    You can set monitoring policy at the employee level and group level as well as at the department level. Therefore, the values that are shown here may not apply to some employees. In that case, Compliance Accelerator honors the highest percentage for each item type. To set the values at the employee level or group level, use the Monitored Employees facility.

  13. Click Save.