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Using Google Cloud Storage (S3) as a primary storage for Enterprise Vault
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (15.0)
- Overview
- Configuring Google Cloud Storage (S3) primary partition
- Troubleshooting
Getting the Google Cloud Storage (S3) supported authentication
You must have the following for using the Google Cloud Storage (S3) compliant storage device:
Enterprise Vault 14.3 or later
Google Cloud Storage (S3) storage Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, for connecting to it
Google Cloud Storage (S3) storage S3 service hostname
Google Cloud Storage (S3) bucket name
Google Cloud Storage (S3) storage S3 bucket access type
Bucket's region
By default, the partition is created in the non-WORM mode.
Add a new Google Cloud Storage (S3) partition
View a Google Cloud Storage (S3) partition
Edit a Google Cloud Storage (S3) partition
Delete a Google Cloud Storage (S3) partition