NetBackup™ Web UI VMware Administrator's Guide
- Managing VMware servers
- Protecting VMs
- Malware scan
- Instant access
- Instant rollback
- Continuous data protection
- VM recovery
- Protecting VMs using hardware snapshot and replication
- Troubleshooting VMware operations
Monitoring CDP jobs
More information is available on monitoring jobs in the web UI.
CDP follows the same job hierarchy as the traditional NetBackup agent for VMware. Protection starts with the job discovering the VM and its attributes. A child job called Preparing for Backup follows it. This child job determines the changed blocks based on previous images and current data available on gateway. A backup job to move data from CDP gateway to destination storage unit, follows the child job.
If there is not enough space for each VM, on the gateway, the backup image may not be fully recoverable. Such images are referred to as partial non-recoverable images and are not available to restore from the web UI. But the subsequent backup jobs, create recoverable backup images. If an image is non-recoverable, NetBackup triggers a backup job automatically when it receives consistent data from ESXi.
For most CDP activities, you can see notifications in the web UI. These notifications are helpful to know how the IO tapping on the gateway performs. You can see notifications when things have stopped working or any action is required from your side. The following are some important scenarios when you can see notifications:
While backing up data. When a backup job moves data from staging area to back up storage.
VM full sync has started/suspended/resumed/done.
Partial image is generated.
No space left in the staging area storage.
When there is an error while writing in-memory data to staging area location.
Here are some notifications:
Table: Viewing notifications
Message | Scenario | Severity | Priority |
Temporarily disconnecting from the IO filter to the Continuous data protection service on the gateway. Either the allocated staging area is almost full, or the memory usage is at maximum. | The staging space allocated to CDP is almost full, and CDP service temporarily disconnects from the IO filter. This may also happen, if backup jobs are not able to move data from the CDP gateway staging database to the backup storage. Check backup job failure reasons and STU's underlying storage. | Critical | High |
Input/Output error occurred for the VM: <uuid> | CDP service is not able to perform IO on staging location due to myriad of reasons like, underlying disk snapped out of storage, or file-system went into read-only mode, and so on. | Error | High |
Terminating the Continuous data protection service, as the staging area memory is full. | If the staging space is less than 1 GB, CDP raises this error and terminates the service. | Critical | High |
Data storage quota full for the VM: <uuid>, bearing jobid: ${jobid}. Moving data to backup storage. | During VM's data transfer, if the total data crosses the configured VM quota, then a backup job is triggered to move the staging data to backup destination. | Info | Low |
Cannot move data to backup storage, for the VM: <uuid>. Storage quota for the VM is full. | Data movement from the gateway to the backup location failed. | Error | High |
Full sync started for the VM: <uuid>. | Initiated the full sync process for this VM. | Info | Low |
Full sync resumed for the VM: <uuid>. | Full sync for the VM is resumed after some unexpected interruption. | Info | Low |
Full sync completed for the VM: <uuid>. | The initial full sync for VM is complete. | Info | Low |
Full sync suspended for the VM: <uuid>. | Full sync operation fails, for some reason like, network glitch. | Info | Low |
Backup image generated for the VM: <uuid> is not recoverable. | When a VM sync is in progress, if the VM quota is reached, a backup job is triggered. When the backup job is completed the image may not be recoverable, as NetBackup is moving the intermediate data generated on the guest VM. | Info | Low |
CDP uses the activity monitor to display the following job information:
Parent backup job - discovery job to discover the VM information.
Preparing for backup - identify the point in time data for the VM.
Backup - move data from the staging path to the backup storage.