Enterprise Vault™ Setting up Domino Server Archiving

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.4, 14.3)
  1. About this guide
      Introducing this guide
    2. Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault
        Enterprise Vault training modules
  2. Setting up Domino mailbox archiving
      About Domino mailbox archiving
    2. Preparation for Domino mailbox archiving
        Check Enterprise Vault configuration of Domino server
        Configure Enterprise Vault for web connections in preparation for Domino mailbox archiving
        Vault store group, vault store, and partition in preparation for Domino mailbox archiving
    3. Configuring Domino targets, tasks and policies in Enterprise Vault
        Checking the list of Domino forms
      2. Adding Domino Server archiving targets
          Adding a Domino domain
          Adding target Domino mail servers
      3. Configuring mailbox policies for Domino mailbox archiving
          General tab (Domino mailbox archiving)
          Archiving Rules tab (Domino mailbox archiving)
          Archiving Actions tab (Domino mailbox archiving)
          Shortcut Content tab (Domino mailbox archiving)
          Forms tab (Domino mailbox archiving)
          Shortcut Deletion tab (Domino mailbox archiving)
          Advanced tab (Domino mailbox archiving)
          Targets tab (Domino mailbox archiving)
        9. Using customized shortcuts for Domino mailbox archiving
            Layout of LotusShortcutText.txt for Domino mailbox archiving
        Domino mailbox archiving retention folders
      5. Configuring desktop policies for Domino mailbox archiving
          General tab (Domino desktop policy)
          Options tab (Domino desktop policy)
          Vault Cache tab (Domino desktop policy)
          Advanced tab (Domino desktop policy)
          Targets tab (Domino desktop policy)
        Creating a Domino Provisioning task
        Creating a Domino Mailbox task
        Reviewing the default settings for the Enterprise Vault site
      9. Adding a Provisioning Group when setting up Domino mailbox archiving
          Ordering provisioning groups when setting up Domino mailbox archiving
    4. Installing Enterprise Vault extensions for Notes and DWA clients
      1. About Enterprise Vault clients for Notes and DWA clients
          Enterprise Vault extensions for Notes
          Enterprise Vault DWA client features
        Installing Enterprise Vault client extensions for Notes and DWA clients
        Setting up an account to use EVInstall.nsf to set up an Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway
        Setting up an account to use EVInstall.nsf to set up a mail server
      5. Granting Execution Control List permissions when setting up Notes and DWA clients
          Granting permissions to the account that will run EVInstall.nsf
          Granting permissions to the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway server account
          Granting permissions to the archiving user account
          Granting permissions to users of Vault Cache
        Installing the Notes and DWA client extensions
      7. Changes made by EVInstall.nsf when setting up Domino mailbox archiving
          EVInstall.nsf changes on Domino 9.0 and later Enterprise Vault Domino Gateways
          EVInstall.nsf changes on Domino 8.5 Enterprise Vault Domino Gateways
          EVInstall.nsf changes on Domino 9.0 and later mail servers
          EVInstall.nsf changes on Domino 8.5 mail servers
          EVInstall.nsf changes on Domino 8 mail servers
        Updating mail files with the new design after installing the Notes and DWA extensions
        How users access Enterprise Vault Search features after installing the Notes and DWA extensions
      Identifying internal Notes mail recipients
    6. How to edit automatic messages after installing Domino mailbox archiving
        Editing the Welcome message after installing Domino mailbox archiving
      Enabling mailboxes for archiving after installing Domino mailbox archiving
  3. Setting up a Vault Cache for offline users
      About Vault Cache for Domino users
    2. Enabling users for Vault Cache with the Domino Desktop policy
        Setting permissions on the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway when using Vault Cache
      Disabling Vault Cache using the Domino Desktop policy
    4. Troubleshooting setting up Vault Cache for Domino
        Newly-enabled Vault Cache for Domino is not populated
  4. Setting up Domino Journaling archiving
      Preparation for Domino Journaling archiving
      Adding a Domino domain
      Adding a Domino server
      Assigning a vault store for Domino Journaling
      Creating a Domino Journal archive
      Adding permissions to the Domino journal archive
      Creating a Domino Journal policy
      Creating a Domino Journaling task
      Adding a Domino Journaling location
      Identifying internal Notes mail recipients
    11. How to configure clients when setting up Domino Journal archiving
        Note on using a Notes client when setting up Domino Journal archiving
  5. Configuring filtering
      About filtering
    2. Configuring custom filtering
      1. Configuring registry settings for Domino custom filtering
          Enabling Domino mailbox custom filtering
          Enabling Domino journal custom filtering
          Reprocessing items marked MARK_DO_NOT_ARCHIVE
          Ignoring the absence of default filter rules
      2. About custom filtering ruleset files
          About the default filter rules file for custom filtering
          About named ruleset files for individual Domino provisioning groups and journaling locations
      3. About controlling default custom filtering behavior
          Summary of default behavior for custom filtering
      4. About the general format of ruleset files for custom filtering
          About validating XML ruleset files for custom filtering
      5. About rule actions for custom filtering
          Assigning a retention category for custom filtering
          Specifying an archive for custom filtering
      6. About message attribute filters for custom filtering
          Message author and recipients filters for custom filtering
          About distribution lists in attribute values with custom filtering
          About creating complex filters using the INCLUDES and ALLOWOTHERS operators
          Message direction filters for custom filtering
          Message subject filters for custom filtering
          Domino named property filters for custom filtering
        Example ruleset file for custom filtering
        Configuring custom properties and content categories
      9. About the general format of Custom Properties.xml
          About validating Custom Properties.xml
        Defining additional Domino message properties in custom properties
      11. About content categories
          About assigning content categories in rules when configuring custom properties
          Overriding default content category settings
      12. Defining how custom properties are presented in third party applications
          Displaying custom properties in an example search application
        Summary of custom property elements and attributes

Enabling mailboxes for archiving after installing Domino mailbox archiving

Mailboxes that are new to Enterprise Vault are configured and enabled for archiving by the Domino Provisioning task. If you have selected the option, Automatically enable mailboxes, on the provisioning group properties, then the Domino Provisioning task will configure the mailboxes and then enable them automatically when it runs. If this option is not selected, then new mailboxes will be configured when the Domino Provisioning task runs, but you will then need to enable the mailboxes manually.

Enterprise Vault menu options do not appear in Notes until the user's mailbox has been enabled and the user has reopened their mailbox. You can therefore roll out the Enterprise Vault extensions for Notes before users' mailboxes are enabled.

When a Domino mailbox is enabled, a new archive is created for the mailbox in the vault store specified for the provisioning group. An archive has an associated account that is used for billing purposes, and can have one or more users who can access the information stored in it.

If you want to deny access to Enterprise Vault archives for certain Domino mailbox users, you can specify the users in the registry setting, DominoProvisioningACLSyncFilters. For details of this setting, see the Registry Values guide.

As part of the provisioning process, the Domino Provisioning task configures in the mail file the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway that is to be used by the client. If the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway and the Enterprise Vault Storage Service that manages the archive are on the same computer, then the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway assigned will be the one that is local to the user's archive. If the Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway is not on the same computer as the Enterprise Vault Storage Service that manages the archive, then the Domino Provisioning task will select an Enterprise Vault Domino Gateway at random.

The Task Controller service and Domino Provisioning task must be started before you can enable mailboxes. The default is for tasks to start automatically when the Task Controller service starts. On a default system, the Domino Provisioning task will run once a day. On the task properties, you can schedule the task to run twice a day at specific times. You can also force a run to process new mailboxes that have been added to provisioning groups.

You can configure the Domino Provisioning task to generate reports when the task is run in either report or normal mode. The reports are created in the folder Enterprise Vault\Reports\Domino Provisioning. In the task properties, check that the reporting level is as you require.

Full reporting will list the following:

  • Each mailbox that is processed

  • The provisioning group

  • The mailbox policy assigned

  • The username associated with the mailbox

  • The action taken

  • Details of any errors

Summary statistics about the task run are included at the end of the report.

To start the Task Controller service and Domino Provisioning task

  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the Enterprise Vault Servers container.
  2. Expand the computer to which you added the Task Controller service and then click Services.
  3. In the right pane, right-click Enterprise Vault Task Controller Service and, on the shortcut menu, click Start.
  4. In the left pane, click Tasks and ensure that the Domino Provisioning task has started.
  5. The task will run automatically at the times that you have scheduled. You can also force a provisioning run by using the Run Now option, which is available on the Schedule properties page and on the menu when you right-click the task.
  6. After the task has run, check the Domino Provisioning report.

To force the Domino Provisioning task to process mailboxes

  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand Enterprise Vault Servers, and then your Enterprise Vault server.
  2. Click Tasks.
  3. In the right-hand pane, right-click the Domino Provisioning task and select Properties.
  4. Check that the reporting level is as you require.
  5. In the right-hand pane, right-click the Domino Provisioning task and select Run now.
  6. Select whether you want the task to run in report or normal mode. The task will then start processing the mailboxes in the provisioning groups.
  7. After the task has run, check the Domino Provisioning report.
  8. If you selected the option for mailboxes to be enabled for archiving automatically, they will also be enabled by the Domino Provisioning task during the run.

    If you did not select the option to enable new mailboxes automatically, you must enable them manually.

To enable one or more mailboxes manually

  1. In the Administration Console, click Enable Mailbox on the Tools menu or click the Enable Mailboxes for Archiving icon on the toolbar.

    The Enable Mailbox wizard starts.

  2. Follow the instructions, and click Help on any of the wizard screens for further information.
  3. If mailboxes to be enabled are not listed as expected, check the Domino Provisioning report to ensure that they have been processed by the Domino Provisioning task.