APTARE IT Analytics Help
- Section I. Introducing APTARE IT Analytics
- Section II. Certified configurations
- Portal and database servers
- Data Collector server configurations
- Capacity Manager configurations
- Array/LUN performance Data Collection
- EMC Isilon array performance metrics
- NetApp Cluster-Mode performance metrics
- EMC Symmetrix enhanced performance metrics
- Host access privileges, sudo commands, ports, and WMI proxy requirements
- Cloud configurations
- Virtualization Manager configurations
- File Analytics configurations
- Fabric Manager configurations
- Backup Manager configurations
- ServiceNow configurations
- Internal TCP port requirements
- Section III. End user
- Understand the portal
- About the Admin tab
- Explore your inventory
- Hierarchy toolbar to organize your data
- Show objects
- Use attributes to organize your data
- Pin reports - saving reports with inventory objects
- Assign attributes in the inventory list view
- Get acquainted with reports
- About badging
- Generate and maintain reports
- Select Report Scope
- Group hosts by attributes
- Search for hosts in the report Scope Selector
- Backup Manager advanced scope selector settings
- Solution reports scope selector settings
- Units of Measure in Reports
- Customize report filter logic
- Sort columns in reports
- Distribute, share, schedule, and alert
- Scheduling Exported Reports and Dashboards
- Organize reports
- Work with the dynamic template designer
- Dynamic Template Designer Quick Start
- Converting to a Homogeneous, Product-Specific Template
- Dynamic Template Function Configurations
- Create Fields with the Field Builder
- Scope Selector Component - Custom Filter
- Configure a Bar Chart Dynamic Template
- Steps to Create a Bar Chart Dynamic Template
- Configure an Area/Stacked Area Chart Dynamic Template
- Line Charts for Performance Metrics
- Line Chart Field Requirements
- One Object Per Line Chart, One or More Metrics Per Chart
- Multiple Objects Per Line Chart, One Metric Per Chart
- Example of a Stacked Bar Chart Dynamic Template
- Create a Sparkline Chart in a Tabular Dynamic Template
- Adding or Editing Methods
- Validate and Save a Method
- Work with the SQL template designer
- Configure SQL Template Scope Selector Components
- Sample SQL Queries
- Number, Size, Date, and Time Formatting
- Alignment, Aggregation, Bar Type, and Bar Type Color
- Pipelined functions for report query building
- APTlistOfDates
- aptStringConcat
- getServerAttributeValue
- getObjectAttributeValue
- getChildServerGroupContextById
- getServerGroupContextById
- secsToHoursMinSecs
- APTgetTapeDriveStatusName
- getFullPathname
- listJobSummaryAfterRestart
- listJobSummaryAfterRestartNBW
- listJobSummaryAfterRestart for NetWorker Backup Jobs
- listOfBackupWindowDates
- listChargebackCatByVOLSDetail
- listChargebackCatByFSDetail
- listChargebackCatByFSDetail
- listChargebackByLUNSummary
- listChargebackByLUNDetail
- listChargebackCatByLUNSummary
- listChargebackCatByLUNDetail
- Alert configuration
- Add/Edit an Alert Policy
- Manage hosts, backup servers, and host groups
- NetBackup Master Servers
- Manage attributes and objects
- Provide Portal access and user privileges
- Setting / Resetting passwords
- Managing user group home pages (Administrator)
- Configure master schedules and backup windows
- Add, edit, and move policies
- Add/Edit a threshold policy
- Capacity Chargeback policy types
- Solutions administration
- Manage and monitor data collection
- About data collection tasks
- Add/Edit data collectors
- Review collectors and collection status
- Upgrade Data Collectors
- Work with Capacity Manager host data collection
- Host access requirements
- Manage credentials
- Configure host discovery policies to populate the host discovery and collection view
- Validate host connectivity
- Search and export in host discovery and collection
- Propagate probe settings: Copy probes, paste probes
- Discovery policies for Veritas NetBackup
- About Discovery types
- View and manage system notifications
- Customize with advanced parameters
- Access control advanced parameters
- General Data Collection advanced parameters
- Cloud data collection advanced parameters
- Host discovery and collection advanced parameters
- Backup Manager advanced parameters
- Capacity Manager advanced parameters
- File Analytics advanced parameters
- Virtualization Manager advanced parameters
- Manage your Portal environment
- Analyze files
- Troubleshoot the Portal
- Retrieving log files
- Debug
- Attribute inheritance overrides
- Understand report data caching
- Understand the portal
- Section IV. Report Reference
- Introduction to APTARE IT Analytics
- Alert Reports
- Risk Mitigation Solution Reports
- Risk Mitigation Reports
- Storage Optimization Solution Reports
- System Administration Reports
- Oracle Job Overview
- Capacity Manager Reports
- Application Capacity Reports
- Array Capacity Utilization Reports
- Array Capacity & Utilization (Generic Data)
- Array Capacity & Utilization (IBM SVC View)
- Array Capacity and Utilization (IBM XIV View)
- Array Capacity and Utilization (NetApp View)
- Array Capacity and Utilization (NetApp Cluster)
- NetApp Storage System Detail
- Array Capacity and Utilization (OpenStack Swift)
- IBM Array Site Summary
- IBM Array Detail
- LUN Utilization Summary
- NetApp Aggregate Detail
- NetApp Cluster-Mode Aggregate Detail
- NetApp Plex Details
- NetApp Volume Details
- NetApp Cluster-Mode Volume Detail
- Available/Reclaimable Capacity Reports
- Capacity at Risk Reports
- Capacity Chargeback Reports
- Host Capacity Utilization Reports
- SnapMirror Reports
- SnapVault Reports
- Capacity Forecasting Reports
- Storage Performance Reports
- Mission Control for Performance Analysis
- Thin Provisioning Reports
- Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning Pool Utilization
- File Analytics Reports
- Virtualization Manager Reports
- Understanding the Datastore
- VM Server Detail
- VM Snapshot Summary
- VM Detail
- Datastore Utilization Summary
- Datastore Detail
- Fabric Manager Reports
- Host to Storage Dashboard
- Backup Manager Management Reports
- Error Log Summary
- Job Duration Report
- Veeam Backup & Replication Job Summary Report (Homogeneous)
- Veeam and RMAN Job Details Report
- Adding a Note to a Job
- Job Volume Summary Report
- NetBackup deduplication to MSDP savings
- Backup Administration Reports
- Host Details
- IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) Storage Pools Dashboard
- Backup Media Management Reports
- TSM Tape Media Detail Table
- Backup Service Level Agreement (SLA) Reports
- Determining and Improving Backup Start Time Performance
- Determining and Improving Backup Success Performance
- Determining and Improving Backup Duration Performance
- Backup Storage Utilization Reports
- Backup Manager Forecasting Reports
- Backup Billing and Usage Reports
- Backup Policies Reports
- HP Data Protector Backup Specification Detail
- Public Cloud Reports
- Section V. Data Collector Installation and Troubleshooting
- Installing the Data Collector Software
- Validating Data Collection
- Uninstalling the Data Collector
- Manually Starting the Data Collector
- Data Collector Troubleshooting
- Host resources: Check host connectivity using standard SSH
- Host resources: Generating host resource configuration files
- Configuring parameters for SSH
- CRON Expressions and Probe Schedules
- Clustering Data Collectors with VCS and Veritas NetBackup (RHEL 7)
- Clustering Data Collectors with VCS and Veritas NetBackup (Windows)
- Installing the Data Collector Software
- Section VI. Data Collection for the Cloud
- Pre-Installation Setup for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Create an AWS IAM user
- Link AWS accounts for Collection of consolidated billing data
- Pre-Installation Setup for OpenStack Ceilometer
- Pre-Installation Setup for OpenStack Swift
- Pre-Installation Setup for Microsoft Azure
- Pre-Installation Setup for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Section VII. Data Collection for Data Protection (Backup)
- Introduction
- Pre-Installation setup for Commvault Simpana
- Open TCP/IP access to the Commvault database
- Set up a read-only user in the CommServe server
- Pre-Installation setup for Cohesity DataProtect
- Pre-Installation setup for EMC Avamar
- Import EMC Avamar server information
- Pre-Installation setup for EMC Data Domain Backup
- Pre-Installation setup for EMC NetWorker
- Architecture overview (EMC NetWorker)
- Pre-Installation setup for Dell EMC NetWorker Backup & Recovery
- Pre-Installation setup for generic backup
- CSV format specification
- Pre-Installation setup for HP Data Protector
- Architecture overview (HP Data Protector)
- Configure the Data Collector server in Cell Manager (HP Data Protector)
- Pre-Installation setup for IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM)
- Architecture overview (IBM Spectrum Protect -TSM)
- Import IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) information
- Pre-Installation setup for IBM Spectrum Protect Plus
- Pre-Installation setup for NAKIVO Backup & Replication
- Pre-Installation setup for Veritas Backup Exec
- Pre-Installation setup for Veritas NetBackup
- Prerequisites to use SSH and WMI (Veritas NetBackup)
- Prerequisites for NetBackup collection over SSH (Kerberos option)
- Veritas NetBackup 8.1 (or later) requirements for centralized collection
- Configuring file analytics in NetBackup Data Collector policy
- Pre-Installation setup for Veritas SaaS backup
- Pre-Installation setup for Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN)
- Pre-Installation setup for Rubrik Cloud Data Management
- Pre-Installation setup for Veeam Backup & Replication
- Discovery policies for Veritas NetBackup
- About Discovery types
- About SNMP probes
- Appendix A. Load Historic Events
- Load Veritas NetBackup events
- Section VIII. Data Collection for Fabrics
- Section IX. Data Collection for File Analytics
- Pre-Installation Setup for File Analytics
- Host Discovery and Collection File Analytics probe
- Adding a File Analytics Data Collector policy
- File Analytics Export Folder Size and Folder Depth
- Pre-Installation Setup for File Analytics
- Section X. Data Collection for Replication
- Section XI. Data Collection for Storage (Capacity)
- Data Collection for Capacity Overview
- Pre-Installation Setup for Dell Compellent
- Pre-Installation Setup for DELL EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS)
- Pre-Installation Setup for EMC Data Domain Storage
- Pre-Installation Setup for EMC Isilon
- Pre-Installation Setup EMC Symmetrix
- Pre-Installation Setup for Dell EMC Unity
- Pre-Installation Setup for EMC VNX Celerra
- Pre-Installation Setup for EMC VNX CLARiiON
- Pre-Installation Setup for EMC VPLEX
- Pre-Installation Setup for EMC XtremIO
- Pre-Installation Setup for Hitachi Block
- Configuring a Hitachi Device manager user
- Pre-Installation Setup for Hitachi Content Platform (HCP)
- Hitachi content platform system management console
- Hitachi content platform tenant management console
- Pre-Installation Setup Hitachi NAS
- Pre-Installation Setup for Hitachi Vantara All-Flash and Hybrid Flash Storage
- Host Inventory Pre-Installation Setup
- Host Access Privileges, Sudo Commands, Ports, and WMI Proxy Requirements
- Configure host Discovery policies to populate the host Inventory
- Validate host connectivity
- Host Inventory search and host Inventory export
- Configure and edit host probes
- Propagate Probe Settings: Copy Probes, Paste Probes
- Pre-Installation Setup for HP 3PAR
- Pre-Installation Setup for HP EVA
- Pre-Installation Setup for Huawei OceanStor
- Pre-Installation Setup for IBM COS
- Pre-Installation Setup for IBM Enterprise
- Pre-Installation Setup for NetApp E-Series
- Pre-Installation Setup for IBM SVC
- Pre-Installation Setup for IBM XIV
- Pre-Installation Setup for Infinidat InfiniBox
- Pre-installation setup for FUJITSU Data Collector
- Pre-Installation setup for Infinidat InfiniGuard
- Pre-Installation Setup for NetApp-7
- Pre-Installation setup for NetApp StorageGRID
- Pre-Installation Setup for Microsoft Windows Server
- Pre-Installation Setup for NetApp Cluster
- Pre-Installation Setup for Pure Storage FlashArray
- Pre-Installation Setup for Veritas NetBackup Appliance
- Section XII. Data Collection for Virtualization
- Pre-Installation setup for VMware
- Pre-Installation setup for IBM VIO
- Pre-Installation setup for Microsoft Hyper-V
- Section XIII. System Administration
- Preparing for Updates
- Backing Up and Restoring Data
- Monitoring APTARE IT Analytics
- Accessing APTARE IT Analytics Reports with the REST API
- Defining NetBackup Estimated Tape Capacity
- Automating Host Group Management
- Categorize host operating systems by platform and version
- Load relationships between hosts and host group
- Automate NetBackup utilities
- Scheduling utilities to run automatically
- Attribute Management
- Importing Generic Backup Data
- Backup Job Overrides
- Managing Host Data Collection
- System Configuration in the Portal
- Performance Profile Schedule Customization
- Configuring AD/LDAP
- Configuring Single Sign On (SSO) Using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)
- Changing Oracle Database User Passwords
- Integrating with CyberArk
- Tuning APTARE IT Analytics
- Defining Report Metrics
- Working with Log Files
- Portal and data collector log files - reduce logging
- Data collector log file naming conventions
- Portal log files
- SNMP Trap Alerting
- SSL Certificate Configuration
- Configure virtual hosts for portal and / or data collection SSL
- Keystore on the portal server
- Portal Properties: Format and Portal Customizations
- Advanced Configuration for NetBackup Discovery
- Data Retention Periods for SDK Database Objects
- Troubleshooting
- Section XIV. Portal Install and Upgrade (Windows)
- Installing the Portal on a Windows server
- Task 3: Installing Oracle application binaries (Windows)
- Upgrade APTARE IT Analytics Portal on Windows
- Upgrade the Oracle database application binaries to19c (Windows)
- Upgrade APTARE IT Analytics Portal
- Oracle patches for the database server
- Upgrade and migrate to a new server
- Installing the Portal on a Windows server
- Section XV. Portal Install and Upgrade (Linux)
- Install the APTARE IT Analytics Portal on a Linux server
- Installer-based deployment
- Upgrade APTARE IT Analytics Portal on Linux
- Upgrade Oracle database application binaries to 19c (Linux)
- Upgrade APTARE IT Analytics Portal
- Data Collector upgrades
- Oracle patches for the database server
- Upgrade and Migrate to a new server
- Upgrade and migrate to a new server
- Upgrade and migrate to a new server
- Appendix B. X Virtual Frame Buffer
- Install the APTARE IT Analytics Portal on a Linux server
- Section XVI. Licensing
- License installation and guidelines
- License overview
- Verify the current license configuration
- Storage suite
- Protection suite
- Backup Manager
- Backup Manager
- Complete suite
- Managing licenses
- Configure the Data Collector policy to exclude the object
- License management from the command line
- Troubleshooting
- License installation and guidelines
- Section XVII. Inventory reports and operations
Storage Array Enterprise Object Scope Selector Components
The following scope selector components are specific to the Storage Array enterprise object. Note that some of these components are specific to a storage array vendor/product.
Array Disk Class | Specify array disk classes to be included in the report scope. |
Array RAID Types | Enables selection of specific, relevant RAID types, such as RAID_5_6+P. |
Array States | Specify storage array states to be included in the report scope. |
Arrays Scope | Specify storage arrays to be included in the report scope. |
Byte Size | Select the units for capacity values; for example, TB or PB. |
Celerra VNX Volume Types | Include specific Celerra volume types, such as Slice, Stripe, Meta, Disk, and Pool, in a report. |
Custom Filter | Define free-form fields that enable data filtering at run time. When the report is run, the Scope Selector displays the fields that can be selected to specify values to filter the report results. When the Custom Filter is selected, the report template is restricted to one product only. |
Data Point Image | Enable the display of a circle of each data point in a line chart. This allows for quick identification of roll-over information in the chart. |
Disk Classes | Report on specific disk classes, such as enterprise fibre channel drives (ENT) or Nearline ATA drives (NL). |
Disk Stages | Enable selection of specific disk states, such as Installing, Formatting, or Rebuilding. |
Disk Type | Enable selection of specific disk types, such as FC, SCSI, or SATA. |
Disk Usage | Enable selection of specific disk usage types, such as Unconfigured or Spare. |
Extent Pool Storage Types | Enables selection of specific, relevant Extent Pool storage types, such as fixed block. |
File System Types | Include specific file system types, such as Unix, Raw, and Mirror, in a report. |
Group By | Enables selection of a time span to be used to group the data by: Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years. When using Group By, in general, an aggregation function, such as sum, min, or max, should be included in the report template definition. |
Group Chart By | Enables selection of Chart Per Object (each chart is for a single object, with one or more metric lines) or Chart Per Metric (each chart is for one metric, with one or more objects represented as lines). This is a required scope selector component if the report template includes a field of type, Group by Object. |
Hard Empty Percentage | For IBM XIV storage pools, enable the selection of a utilization % that provides an indicator of empty physical pool capacity. |
Hard Near Capacity Percentage | For IBM XIV storage pools, enable selection of a utilization % that provides an indicator of reaching physical pool capacity. |
Hard Over-Provisioned High Percentage | For IBM XIV storage pools, enable selection of a utilization % that provides the high-end indicator for the range of over-provisioned physical pool capacity. |
Hard Over-Provisioned Low Percentage | For IBM XIV storage pools, enable selection of a utilization % that provides the low-end indicator for the range of over-provisioned physical pool capacity. |
HDS DP Pool IDs | HDS dynamic provisioning pool IDs. |
HDS DP Type | HDS dynamic provisioning type. |
HDS Open Reserved | HDS Open Reserved. |
Hosts | Specify hosts to be included in the report scope. |
IBM Array Site Disk Classes | Enable specification of IBM array site disk classes in a report. For example, ENT or NL. |
IBM Array Site States | Enable specification of IBM array site states in a report. For example, Assigned, Unassigned, or Unavailable. |
IBM Extent Pool IDs | Unique Identifier for the IBM extent pool. |
IBM Rank IDs | List of IBM rank IDs. |
In Use | For EMC VNX (Celerra) SnapSure data, provide a selection to include data for checkpoints that are in use. A checkpoint is in use if a filesystem is registered in the mount table of a Data Mover. |
Line Selector | If multiple lines are defined in a line chart template, this component enables the user to select the line to be shown in the chart. |
LUN Status | Enable selection of the LUN status to be included in the report. For example, Allocated but Unused or Allocated but undiscovered. |
Maximum Legends for Pie Chart | Specify the maximum number of sectors for pie chart rendering. |
Qtree Status | Enable selection of the NetApp Qtree status to be included in the report. For example, Snap Vaulted or Read Only. |
RAID State | Enable selection of one or more array states, such as partner, zeroing, or reconstructing. |
RAID Status | Enable selection of one or more raid status, such as normal, copying, reconstruct. |
RAID Type | RAID type. |
Rank Array States | Enable specification of IBM Rank states in a report. For example, Below, Exceeded, or Full. |
Rank RAID Types | Include specific IBM Rank RAID types, such as fixed block, in a report. |
Rank Status | Select an IBM rank status for report filter; for example, normal, configuring, unassigned, or reserved. |
Security Style | Enable selection of the NetApp security style to be included in the report. For example, Unix, NTFS, or Mixed. |
Session ID | Unique Identifier for the HPDP Session |
Snapshot Busy | Choose to report data for NetApp Snapshot busy state: Yes or No. |
Snapshot Only | Snapshot Only |
Soft Near Capacity Percentage | For IBM XIV storage pools, enable selection of a utilization % that provides an indicator of reaching virtual (thin-provisioned) pool capacity. |
Space Guarantee | Select a space guarantee for NetApp volumes; for example, volume, file, or none. |
Thin-Provisioned | Included thin-provisioned array storage in the report scope. |
Time Period | Provides a drop-down list to specify a time span, such as last 90 days or previous month. |
Top/Bottom | Narrow the scope to the greatest/least values based on a given metric. |
Volume Styles | Include specific volume style, such as flex, striped, infinitevol. |
Volume Type | Select a NetApp volume type, such as flex or trad. |