Enterprise Vault™ Auditing

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (12.4)

Using Audit Viewer to run a report on audit data

Follow the instructions in this section to open Audit Viewer and generate a report on the data in the auditing database.


You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User Account Control (UAC) enabled.

To use Audit Viewer to run a report on audit data

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault).
  2. Double-click AuditViewer.exe.
  3. In the Audit Viewer window, type or select the search criteria for the records that you want to view.

    The following table provides information on each search term.

    User Name

    Specify the required user in the form domain\username.


    Specify the name of the required archive. You can use the Enterprise Vault Administration Console to determine the name.


    Select a category of audit entries to search from the list. Audit Viewer lists only those categories that exist in the captured data.


    After you have selected a category, select a subcategory from the list.

    • Item returns the summary information for a category.

    • If you select Detailed as a category, the additional information is held in Information records.

    • All returns both the summary and detailed records for selected categories.

    Date (From), Date (To)

    Define a date range and time range to search the audit records.

    Information contains

    Type a keyword for which to search in the audit records.


    Select a status from the list for the records that you want to view.


    Select the Enterprise Vault server that is the target of this search.

    Audit ID

    Type a range of numbers to indicate the audit records that you want to view.

    Order By

    Select the attribute by which to order the results and whether you want Audit Viewer to list the results in ascending order or descending order.

    Maximum Results

    Select whether to view all the results that the search finds or a portion of those results.

  4. Click Search to generate the report.