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Veritas Appliance Management Guide
Last Published:
Appliances (4.1)
Platform: NetBackup Appliance OS
- Introduction
- Appliance as an AMS
- Using the Appliance Management Console
- Managing appliances from the Home page
- About managing appliance software upgrades
- Managing EEBs or add-ons
- About staging packages
- About managing services
- Monitoring activities and events
- Managing the repository
- Applying management updates on earlier appliance versions
- Running AMS on NetBackup Virtual Appliance
Managing EEBs or add-ons
Each release of NetBackup incorporates fixes to several known issues that affected previous versions of NetBackup. Several of the customer-related fixes that are incorporated into each release are also made available as emergency engineering binaries (EEBs).
The installation and the uninstallation workflows are as follows:
1 Confirm appliance selection > 2 Select EEB > 3 Review and confirm > 4 Install
1 Confirm appliance selection > 2 Enter EEB to uninstall > 3 Confirm and UnInstall
The top of the page provides a description of each required task. As you complete a task, the page refreshes with details for the next step.