Enterprise Vault™ Setting up Exchange Server and Office 365 for SMTP Archiving
- Configuring Exchange Server for an Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving solution
- Configuring Office 365 for Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving
- Configuring the Azure RMS Decryption feature for Office 365 email encryption support
- Configuring decryption of MPIP-protected Office 365 emails archived in Enterprise Vault
Disable decryption of journal report in your organization
By default, journal report decryption is enabled in your organization. As a result, decrypted copies of protected emails are attached to the journal report sent to the Enterprise Vault SMTP Service. Since Enterprise Vault can now decrypt Microsoft Purview Information Protection (MPIP) protected emails for a preview of the items in Discovery Accelerator, there is no requirement to send the decrypted copies of protected emails attached to the journal report.
Verify the Information Rights Management (IRM) configuration settings for journal report decryption in your organization by using the Get-IRMConfiguration cmdlet. For more information, see Get-IRMConfiguration.
If journal report decryption is enabled on the IRM settings, run the following command to disable it:
Set-IRMConfiguration -JournalReportDecryptionEnabled $false
For more information, see Set-IRMConfiguration.
The following PowerShell commands can be executed by Exchange Administrator or Office 365 Administrator:
#Retrieve the Information Rights Management (IRM) configuration in your organization.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
$Cred = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri
https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/ -Credential $Cred -Authentication Basic - AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session
#Test Information Rights Management (IRM) configuration and functionality.
Test-IRMConfiguration -Sender '<sender email adress>'
#Disable decryption of journal report in your organization
Set-IRMConfiguration -JournalReportDecryptionEnabled $false