Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Accelerator Installation Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (12.1)
  1. Introducing Discovery Accelerator
      Key features of Discovery Accelerator
      About the Discovery Accelerator components
    3. Product documentation
        White papers on the Veritas Support website
        Discovery Accelerator training modules
  2. Preparing to install Discovery Accelerator
    1. Configuration options for Discovery Accelerator
        Discovery Accelerator configuration for large installations
        Discovery Accelerator configuration for smaller installations
      Supported versions of Enterprise Vault in Discovery Accelerator environments
    3. Prerequisites for Discovery Accelerator
        Prerequisites for the SQL Server computer
        Prerequisites for the Discovery Accelerator server computer
        Prerequisites for the Enterprise Vault server computer
        Prerequisites for Discovery Accelerator client computers
      Configuring Outlook to enable the processing of items with many attachments or many recipients
      Setting the Windows and ASP.NET Temp folder permissions
    6. Security requirements for temporary folders
        Granting additional users and groups access to the temporary folders
      Disabling networking facilities that can disrupt a Discovery Accelerator environment
      Disabling the Windows Search Service on the Discovery Accelerator server
      Ensuring that the Windows Server service is running on the Discovery Accelerator server
      Configuring the SQL Server Agent service
      Assigning SQL Server roles to the Vault Service account
      Verifying that Enterprise Vault expands distribution lists
  3. Installing Discovery Accelerator
    1. Installing the Discovery Accelerator server software
        Allowing Enterprise Vault to communicate with Discovery Accelerator through the Windows firewall
      2. Creating the configuration database and customer databases
          Configuring analytics database locations
      3. Setting up a Custodian Manager website
          Assigning the required Active Directory permissions to the Custodian Manager synchronization account
        Uploading the Discovery Accelerator report templates
      5. Configuring Discovery Accelerator for use in a SQL Server AlwaysOn environment
          Using SQL Server Reporting Services in an AlwaysOn environment
      6. Installing Discovery Accelerator in a clustered environment
          Configuring Discovery Accelerator for use in a Network Load Balancing cluster
        Maximizing security in your Discovery Accelerator databases
    2. Installing the Discovery Accelerator client software
        Modifying the configuration file for the Discovery Accelerator client
        Using the MSI installer package to install the Discovery Accelerator client
  4. Appendix A. Ports that Discovery Accelerator uses
      Default ports for Discovery Accelerator
      Changing the ports that Discovery Accelerator uses
  5. Appendix B. Troubleshooting
      Error messages appear in the event log when upgrading to Discovery Accelerator 12.1
      Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager service not created
      Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager service does not start
      "Access is denied" message is displayed when you try to create a customer database on a UAC-enabled computer
      Home page of Discovery Accelerator website not found
      Cannot create or upgrade Discovery Accelerator customer databases when Symantec Endpoint Protection is running
      Permissions error when uninstalling the Discovery Accelerator client from a UAC-enabled computer
      Uninstalling the Discovery Accelerator client from a shared location may prevent other users from starting the client

Home page of Discovery Accelerator website not found

If you receive the message "Page Cannot Be Displayed" when you browse to the home page of the Accelerator Manager website, Custodian Manager website, or Discovery Accelerator API website, start IIS Manager and then check the following:

  • The virtual directories have been created.

  • The websites are running.

  • The virtual directories are configured to use ASP.NET 2.0 rather than an earlier version.

If the installation program failed to create a virtual directory as part of the installation process, you can create it manually.

To create the virtual directory manually

  1. Open IIS Manager on the server that is hosting the website.
  2. Right-click the container for your default website and then click New > Virtual Directory.
  3. When the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard appears, click Next.
  4. For the virtual directory alias, type one of the following, and then click Next.


    Used by the Accelerator Manager website.


    Used by the Custodian Manager website.


    Used by the Discovery Accelerator API website.

  5. For the website home directory, enter the path to the appropriate subfolder of the Discovery Accelerator program folder (AcceleratorAdminWeb, CustodianManagerWeb, or DiscoveryWeb), and then click Next.
  6. When you are prompted to set the access permissions for the virtual directory, click Next without changing the default permissions.
  7. Click Finish to close the wizard and create the virtual directory.

To configure the settings for the virtual directory

  1. Open IIS Manager on the server that is hosting the website.
  2. Right-click the EVBAAdmin, EVBACustodianManager, or EVBADiscovery virtual directory, and then click Properties.
  3. On the Virtual Directory tab, do the following:

    • Make sure that Read, Log visits, and Index this resource are all checked.

    • Remove the entry in the Application name box.

    • Make sure that the application pool is set to EVAcceleratorAppPool.

  4. On the Documents tab, remove all the entries in the Enable default content page box, and then add Login.aspx.
  5. On the Directory Security tab, click Edit under Authentication and access control.
  6. In the Authentication Methods dialog box, uncheck Enable anonymous access and check Integrated Windows authentication. (You can select Basic authentication, but it is less secure.)
  7. Click OK to save the changes you have made to the Authentication Methods dialog box.
  8. Click OK to close the properties dialog box.
  9. Check that the website is running.