Veritas NetBackup™ Virtual Appliance Documentation
- Getting to know the NetBackup Virtual Appliance
- NetBackup Virtual Appliance product description
- Preparing to deploy the appliance
- Deploying and configuring the appliance
- Post initial configuration procedures
- Appliance common tasks
- Storage management
- About NetBackup Virtual Appliance storage configuration
- About viewing storage space information using the Show command
- About OpenStorage plugin installation
- About NetBackup Virtual Appliance storage configuration
- Deduplication pool catalog backup and recovery
- Network connection management
- Managing users
- About user name and password specifications
- About authenticating LDAP users
- About authenticating Active Directory users
- About authentication using smart cards and digital certificates
- About user authorization on the NetBackup Virtual Appliance
- Creating NetBackup administrator user accounts
- Using the appliance
- About configuring Host parameters for your appliance on the NetBackup Virtual Appliance
- About Copilot functionality and Share management
- About NetBackup Virtual Appliance as a VMware backup host
- About running NetBackup commands from the appliance
- About mounting a remote NFS
- About Auto Image Replication from a NetBackup Virtual Appliance
- Monitoring the appliance
- About SNMP
- About Call Home
- Appliance security
- About Symantec Data Center Security on the NetBackup Virtual Appliance
- About data encryption
- Setting the appliance login banner
- Upgrading the appliance
- About upgrading to NetBackup Virtual Appliance software version 5.1.1
- Requirements and best practices for upgrading NetBackup appliances
- Methods for downloading appliance software release updates
- NetBackup client upgrades with VxUpdate
- Appliance restore
- Decommissioning and Reconfiguring
- Troubleshooting
- About disaster recovery
- About NetBackup support utilities
- Appliance logging
- About forwarding logs to an external server
- Commands overview
- Appendix A. Appliance commands
- Appendix B. Manage commands
- Appendix C. Monitor commands
- Appendix D. Network commands
- Appendix E. Reports commands
- Appendix F. Settings commands
- Appendix G. Support commands
- Appendix H. Available commands for a NetBackupCLI user
Main > Support > Logs — Manage logging setting, view and share logs files.
Delete Date LogType
ProcessLogLevel Option Action
SetLevel Option Level
VxLogView JobID job_id
VxLogView Minutes minutes_ago
VxLogView Module module_name
Upload JobID jobid case_num
Upload Time start end case_num
Use this command to do the following functions:
Browse the appliance log directories and files.
You can use the Browse command to view the log directories and log files that are configured in your appliance. When you run the Browse command the command prompt changes to LOGROOT/>. From the LOGROOT/ command prompt you can run the following commands to list, view, and change directories:
ls - List the directories and files
tree - Provides a tree-view of the directories and files.
cd DIR - Use to change the directory, where DIR is the directory name. For example, you can use cd ., cd .., and cd -.
less FILE - Provides a read-only view of a file. You must enter the letter q or quit to exit this view.
exit|quit - Enables you to exit the log shell.
help|? - Use either of these two commands to display help.
From the LOGROOT/> command prompt, you can use the ls command to see the following log directories on the host:
To see the log files from within a log directory, you must change directories to the log directory that contains the log files that you want to view. After you change directories, the same commands that were available under the LOGROOT/ view are available for each of the log directories.
For example, to see the operating system (OS) log files, you must first enter cd OS at the LOGROOT/> command prompt. The command prompt changes to LOGROOT/OS>/. Then you can enter ls to see the file names. Finally, you can use the less filename command to view a read-only version of the log file.
Set the level of debug logs
Use the SetLevel command to set the NetBackup log level for an appliance component that you choose. The range begins with zero and can differ for each component. A value of zero means that logging is at its lowest level.
In addition, you can use the GetLevel command to get the NetBackup log level.
Display debug information from the VxLog files.
Use the VxLogView command to display log files for a specific job or by a set duration of time.
Upload the NetBackup log files for your appliance to Support. The files that you send can be based on the job ID, the time that the log files were taken, or the default-based duration.
If an issue occurs and you decide you need additional support, you should call Veritas Technical Support and open a customer case. The customer support contact assigns a unique customer case number that identifies you, your company information, and your issue. To further help you diagnose the issue, the customer support contact needs to obtain a copy of your appliance log files. You can use the Upload command to send all of the log files that are associated with your appliance to Support.
The following procedure describes the process that you use to send the log files from your appliance to Technical Support.
To configure your appliance to upload log files using the Logs Upload command
- Make sure that you have a customer case number assigned to your issue. If you do not have a case number, contact Technical Support and have a customer case opened and a unique customer case number assigned to your issue. The customer case number is used to create the name of the file that you send to Support. That helps the technical support contact identify the file that you sent.
- Log on to your appliance as the administrator.
- Enter the Main > Support view.
- Type one of the following commands to create a log set for technical support. Depending on the nature of your issue, technical support may ask you to use one of the following commands to create the log set. Each of these commands creates a .tar file that is based on the job ID, a specific start and end time, or a default duration of four hours.
Type Logs Upload Jobid jobid case_num.
This command creates a .tar file that contains log files that are based on the job ID.
Type Logs Upload Time start End case_num.
This command creates a .tar file that contains log files that are based on the default duration of four hours
Where case_num is the customer case number that was issued to you by your NetBackup Support contact. This number becomes a part of the .tar file name so your Technical Support contact can identify the files that came from your appliance.
Where jobid is the job ID number that is used to collect the logs.
Where start and End are the start date and the end date of the logs to collect.
- Browse
Use the show the appliance logs.
- Delete Date LogType
Use this command to delete archived log files. Here, Date defines the date until which you want to delete archived log files. LogType is the product name for which you want to delete the archived log files.
The available LogType options are the following:
- GetLevel
Use to view the current log level settings for the following:
NetBackup Legacy
NetBackup Unified Debug
NetBackup Unified Diagnostic
NetBackup VolMgr
- ProcessLogLevel Option Action
Use to set the process log level for specific NetBackup processes.
Where Option is NetBackupUnified, NetBackupLegacy, or MSDP. When you select NetBackupUnified Set or NetBackupUnified SetAll, you must also select either Debug or Diagnostic.
Where Action is Restore, RestoreDefault, Save, Set, SetAll, Show, or ShowAll.
For example, to set this option for NetBackupUnified and set the nbemm process for Debug at a log level of 1, you would enter the following:
ProcessLogLevel NetBackupUnified Set nbemm Debug 1
- SetLevel Option Level
Use to set a specific log level.
Where Option is one of the following:
NetBackup VolMgr
Where Level is any number from 0 (lowest logging level) to 10 (highest logging level). When you select NetBackupUnified, you must also select either Debug or Diagnostic.
For example, to set the level for NetBackupUnified Diagnostic to a log level of 2, you would enter the following:
SetLevel NetBackupUnified Diagnostic 2
- VxLogView JobID job_id
Display debug information from the log files by designating a specific job ID as the criteria by which the information is parsed. This command is available only on a primary server.
Where job_id is the NetBackup job that you determine you want to view from the debug information.
- VxLogView Minutes minutes_ago
Display debug information from the log files using time (in minutes) as the criteria by which the information is parsed.
Where minutes_ago is the amount of time, in minutes, used to determine how much of the past debug information to display.
- VxLogView Module module_name
Display debug information from the log files by designating a specific logging module as the criteria by which the information is parsed.
Where module_name is the module from which you want to view log files. You can select from the following modules:
All/CallHome/Common/Config/Database/HWMonitor/Network/Seeding/SelfTest /Storage/SWUpdate/Commands/CrossHost/Trace/AuthService/TaskService
- Upload JobID jobid case_num
Upload log files for the appliance to Support. This command creates a .tar file of the logs using the job ID. Use FTP to upload the file to Support.
Where jobid contains the job ID number that is used to collect the logs. The case_num variable is a unique number filed with Support that identifies the customer and their corresponding log files. The format of this number is ###-###-###
- Upload Time start end case_num
Upload the logs based on the default duration. The default duration is four hours. This command creates a .tar file of the logs using the time. Use FTP to upload the file to Support.
Where start is the start date of the log files to send to Support. end is the end date of the log files to send to Support. And case_num is a unique number filed with Support that identifies the customer and their corresponding log files. The format of this number is ###-###-###