Veritas InfoScale™ 8.0.2 Release Notes - Linux
- Introduction and product requirements
- Changes introduced in InfoScale 8.0.2
- Changes related to VxFS
- Limitations
- Virtualization software limitations
- Storage Foundation software limitations
- Dynamic Multi-Pathing software limitations
- Veritas Volume Manager software limitations
- Veritas File System software limitations
- SmartIO software limitations
- Replication software limitations
- Cluster Server software limitations
- Limitations related to bundled agents
- Limitations related to VCS engine
- Veritas cluster configuration wizard limitations
- Limitations related to the VCS database agents
- Cluster Manager (Java console) limitations
- Limitations related to LLT
- Limitations related to I/O fencing
- Limitations related to bundled agents
- Storage Foundation Cluster File System High Availability software limitations
- Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC software limitations
- Storage Foundation for Databases (SFDB) tools software limitations
- Known issues
- Issues related to installation, licensing, upgrade, and uninstallation
- REST API known issues
- Storage Foundation known issues
- Dynamic Multi-Pathing known issues
- Veritas Volume Manager known issues
- Veritas File System known issues
- Virtualization known issues
- Replication known issues
- Cluster Server known issues
- Operational issues for VCS
- Issues related to the VCS engine
- Issues related to the bundled agents
- Issues related to the VCS database agents
- Issues related to the agent framework
- Cluster Server agents for Volume Replicator known issues
- Issues related to Intelligent Monitoring Framework (IMF)
- Issues related to global clusters
- Issues related to the Cluster Manager (Java Console)
- VCS Cluster Configuration wizard issues
- LLT known issues
- I/O fencing known issues
- Operational issues for VCS
- Storage Foundation and High Availability known issues
- Storage Foundation Cluster File System High Availability known issues
- Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC known issues
- Oracle RAC known issues
- Storage Foundation Oracle RAC issues
- Storage Foundation for Databases (SFDB) tools known issues
- Application isolation feature known Issues
- Cloud deployment known issues
- Issues related to Veritas InfoScale Storage in Amazon Web Services cloud environments
- Issues related to installation, licensing, upgrade, and uninstallation
KVMGuest resource comes online on failover target node when started manually [2394048]
The VCS KVMGuest resource comes online on failover target node when VM guest started manually, even though the resource is online on the primary node.
Kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) allows you to start the guest using same guest image on multiple nodes. The guest image is residing on the cluster file system. If the guest image is stored on the cluster file system, then it becomes available on all the cluster nodes simultaneously.
If the KVMGuest resource of VCS has made the guest online on one node by starting it using the guest image on cluster file system and if you manually start the same guest on the other node, KVM does not prevent you from doing so. However, as this particular guest is under VCS control, VCS does not allow the resource to be ONLINE on multiple nodes simultaneously (unless it is in parallel service group configuration). VCS detects this concurrency violation and brings down the guest on the second node.
This issue is also observed with CVM raw volume.
Workaround: No workaround required in VCS. VCS concurrency violation mechanism handles this scenario appropriately.