How to migrate the Alta Bloomberg service from legacy to Capture

Article: 100067721
Last Published: 2025-01-27
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Veritas Alta Capture


Bloomberg has informed their customers about changes they are making to increase the reliability and delivery of the Daily Compliance File.  

The upgrade started on May 1, 2024, and is planned to be completed on June 30, 2024.  During this period, the files will be delivered to both the legacy and newly upgraded SFTP environments. 

Effective July 1, 2024, Bloomberg is going to stop providing the Daily Compliance File, which will have an impact on Alta Archiving customers who are using the Legacy Alta Bloomberg service, as it relies on the file to download data and process it into Alta Archiving.  

  • The Daily Compliance file will be delivered in the same XML format and naming convention.
  • SFTP connectivity details will change to target the new infrastructure.
  • The 'manifest file' will no longer be generated on the SFTP site.
  • SFTP credentials and PGP encryption keys will remain the same and do not need to be re-created.

The current SFTP address is, and the port is 30206.  This will be changed to with the port being 22. See the table below:

SFTP Address
Port 30206 22


To ensure Bloomberg data continues to get ingested into Alta Archiving, it is required to migrate from the Legacy Alta Bloomberg service to the Alta Capture Bloomberg service.  Follow the steps to configure the new collector.  


Steps to migrate to Alta Capture Bloomberg

  1. Confirm Bloomberg authentication details: 
    1. Firm code(s)
    2. Existing FTP login and password
    3. Existing PGP encryption key and passphrase 
      (Note: If you do not know this information please contact Bloomberg Support first before proceeding. To reset the PGP Key please refer to this article)
    4. Ensure that the Alta Capture IP addresses are added to the IP Allowlist Manager in the Bloomberg Enterprise Console.  The IP addresses are unique to each Data Center and can be found in this article.  
  2. Open a Technical Support case with Veritas to assist with the following steps:
    1. Disable the Legacy Alta Bloomberg service.
    2. Enable the Alta Capture Bloomberg service.
    3. Configure the new Alta Capture Bloomberg collectors, as follows:

      Configuring two Bloomberg Collectors. One for Chat, one for Messages. 

      1.  Open Veritas Alta View Compliance & Governance to configure the Message collector.  
      2.  Select Archive Collectors
      3.  Click Add collector
      4.  Locate and select the Bloomberg collector. This will open the Configuration Wizard.
      5.  In the Configuration Wizard, enter the HostPort, and Path provided by Bloomberg (Path is a forward slash / ).  Set Connection type to AutoPassive.


      6.  Select Use security and set it to SSH

      7.  Under Authentication, enter the Username and Password provided by Bloomberg.  Click Test Connection.  If the connection is successful, a green check is displayed:

      Note: If the connection fails please validate that the correct IP addresses have been added to the Bloomberg Enterprise Console.  

8. In the FILE FILTER section, choose Include and add the following to capture messages, disclaimers, and attachments: 

*.msg.*.xml*.gpg | *.dscl.*.xml*.gpg | *.msg.att*.*.tar.gz*.gpg

9.  Under FILTER BY TIME select Only download files modified: Later than (select time informed by Veritas Support)


10.  Under the Options, set Maintain history of downloaded file for to 0 (Infinite). 


11.  Under the PGP section, select Use PGP decryption and expand the PGP Decryption Options:


12.  Click Import Private Key.  This opens the Import PGP Private Key window:


13.  Browse to the Private Key .asc file and open with Notepad
14.  Click Ctrl+A then click Ctrl+C
15.  Return to the Import PGP Private Key window and Paste the info into the Private Key box
16.  For the Password, use the Passphrase created for the PGP certificate.
17.  Click Import

 18. Under Bloomberg Options, ensure Advanced reprocessing,  Full attachment validation and Full disclaimer validation are checked. 

  19. Determine the setting for EMAIL ADDRESS TO USE based on the current configuration and whether the Bloomberg or Corporate address is used. 

  20.  Click Next to save the configuration
  21.  Click Skip until you reach the Targets tab

  22.  Provide a Target name. In the drop-down, choose EV folder target

23. Click ADD

24.  On the Settings tab, expand Importer Schedule.  Select the times for the Importer to run, typically Monday – Friday. 

25. Click Save & Finish, then OK to complete the configuration



1.  Open Veritas Alta View Compliance & Governance to configure the Chat collector.  
2.  Select Archive Collectors
3.  Click Add collector
4.  Locate and select the Bloomberg collector. This will open the Configuration Wizard.
5.  In the Configuration Wizard, enter the HostPort, and Path provided by Bloomberg (Path is a forward slash / ).  Set Connection type to AutoPassive.


6.  Select Use security and set it to SSH

7.  Under Authentication, enter the Username and Password provided by Bloomberg.  Click Test Connection.  If the connection is successful, a green check is displayed:

Note: If the connection fails please validate that the correct IP addresses have been added to the Bloomberg Enterprise Console.  

8. In the FILE FILTER section, choose Include and add the following to capture chats and attachments: 

*.ib19.*.xml*.gpg | *.ib19.att*.*.tar.gz*.gpg


9.  Under FILTER BY TIME select Only download files modified: Later than (select time informed by Veritas Support)

10.  Under the Options, set Maintain history of downloaded file for to 0 (Infinite). 


11.  Under the PGP section, select Use PGP decryption and expand the PGP Decryption Options:


12.  Click Import Private Key.  This opens the Import PGP Private Key window:


13.  Browse to the Private Key .asc file and open with Notepad
14.  Click Ctrl+A then click Ctrl+C
15.  Return to the Import PGP Private Key window and Paste the info into the Private Key box
16.  For the Password, use the Passphrase created for the PGP certificate.
17.  Click Import

 18. Under Bloomberg Options, ensure Advanced reprocessing,  Full attachment validation and Full disclaimer validation are checked. For chats also check Split IB conversations by day and set Max IB message size to 49. 


Note: After the initial run, the option For IB: Ignore historical data should be checked to avoid duplicate data. 

19. Determine the setting for EMAIL ADDRESS TO USE based on the current configuration and whether the Bloomberg or Corporate address is used. 


 20.  Click Next to save the configuration
 21.  Click Skip until you reach the Targets tab

 22.  Provide a Target name. In the drop-down, choose SMTP target and then ADD.  

 23. Under MAIN SETTINGS set the SMTP Server to the correct Data Center and port to 25.  Check the option to remove invalid characters from message headers.  


Data Center SMTP Server 


24. In the ENVELOPE section, set From and To to the journal address provided by Support and check Construct Envelope messages. 

25. Under AUTHENTICATION ENCRYPTION, check Use TLS Encryption and click TEST CONNECTION.  Ensure the connection is successful and click NEXT

26. On the Settings tab, expand Importer Schedule.  Select the times for the Importer to run, typically Monday – Friday. 

  27. Click Save & Finish, then OK to complete the configuration




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