How to remove tags from content that were applied by a Tagging Policy.

Article: 100060218
Last Published: 2023-08-25
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection


There may be instances where a need arises to remove tags from content that were created by a tagging policy.

To remove unwanted tags, do the following:

  • From the Admin Portal, go to Tagging > Tagging Policies
  • Then select the Tagging Policy for the tag that is to be removed, so that the Details pane is visible.

  • Under Tags in the Details pane, select the 'X' next to the tag name to remove the tag from the policy.

For this example, we will remove 'Tag 1' and leave only 'Tag 2' and 'Tag 3' as follows:

  • After the next completion of the Tagging policy run, the tag will be removed from the content. 

Note: Deleting a tagging policy will cause all associated tags to be orphaned, with no way to remove them.  This behavior is as designed.  To clean up the orphaned tags, open a Support case to get them removed. 


JIRA : HM-16132 JIRA : HM-15860

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