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Article: 100050185
Last Published: 2024-09-03
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
This article will walk through the steps on how to create an Azure AAD Application that will allow the use of the
Group/Teams Awareness
option within a SharePoint connector in Alta SaaS Protection (ASP).
This process requires access to the Microsoft Entra Admin Center with a user in the Global Admin role. Once logged in, follow the steps outlined below.
Configuring The Azure Active Teams Provider App
- Select Applications, then click App registrations, followed by New registration.
- Configure the application as follows:
- Name: ASP Teams Provider
- Support account types: Accounts in this organizational directory only
- Click the Register button.
- After clicking Register and the process completes, it will automatically open the newly created application.
- Take note of the Application (client) ID.
- Click Certificates & secrets.
- Choose the New client secret button.
- Enter the Description as: ASP Teams.
- Choose an option from the Expires drop-down menu. Note, this key will need to be regenerated when it expires and updated within the connector.
- Click Add
- After clicking Add, it will immediately show the secret key. It’s very important to copy the key value before exiting this page, otherwise, it cannot be retrieved and a new one will need to be created.
- Now, we must add the proper permissions in order to read the directory.
- Click the API permissions button. Screenshot shows the default settings:

- Click User.Read.
- Click Remove Permission.
- When prompted, choose Yes, remove.

- Click the Add a permission button.
- Select Microsoft APIs and then Microsoft Graph.
- Select Application permissions.
- Type Group in the search bar and select Group.Read.All.
- In order to capture the owner's information for the Teams Site with the Modern Oauth authentication method, the User.Read.All permission needs to be added as well.
- Type User.Read in the search bar to show the relevant permissions and add the User.Read.All permission.
- Select Add Permissions.
- Finally, click the 'Grant Admin Consent for <TenantName>' button and choose Yes at the prompt.
- After consent has been granted, the permissions should now look like below.
- The process is now complete.