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Article: 100050160
Last Published: 2023-04-24
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
This article will walk through the steps on how to configure an O365 Audit Log connector within the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Con
nector Service
The connector must be created before these settings can be applied. For information on creating a connector, refer to the article:
How To Create Connectors In Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
Configure Connector Type Specific Settings
Options Tab:

Process Last N Days -- By default, the connector will capture logs from the previous 14 days and forward. It is common to set this to 90 days for the first crawl to capture all audit data retained by O365. Once the initial crawl is complete, Veritas Alta SaaS Protection recommends a value of 7 days for efficient processing going forward.
Search-UnifiedAuditLog Additional Params -- '
Search-UnifiedAuditLog' is a PowerShell command that executes when the connector runs to capture Audit Log data from O365. This option allows additional text to be appended to the end of the '
Search-UnifiedAuditLog' command. Contact Veritas Alta SaaS Protection support before modifying this setting.
Credentials Tab:

Enter the SMTP address(es) for a user assigned to the Compliance Admin Role. When adding multiple accounts, it allows for faster processing.