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Article: 100050042
Last Published: 2023-08-24
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
The ASP Export Service can be downloaded from the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Admin Portal, under '
Administration' and then '
Tools & Utilities'.
Step 1 -- Run the Installer
Open the Export Service installer file '
VeritasASP.ExportService.msi'. This will open the install wizard on the welcome step.

Click '
Next' to proceed.
Step 2 -- Acceptable Use Policy
You will need to read and accept the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) before proceeding. Of special note, you have rights to use ASP installable software in your organization as long as your subscription to NSP is active. You can also find the AUP here:
Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Click '
Next' to proceed.
Step 3 -- Service Account Credentials
Enter the credentials for the service account you have created for the ASP Export Service. This service account will need read and write access to any of the shares you wish to export content to.

Click the '
Validate' button to confirm the credentials pass and click OK.

Click '
Next' to proceed.
Step 4 -- Install Path
Optionally change the install path.

Click '
Next' to proceed.
Step 5 -- Execute the Installation
Click '
Install' to execute the installation.

The install execution performs an automatic start of the Windows service.
When installation is complete, click '
Step 6 -- Launch the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Service GUI
Go to the Start menu, find the ASP Export Service app, and open it.

Step 7 -- Configure the Export Service
Establish the Connection
When launching the Export Service app for the first time, it will default to the ' Settings' tab with 'General' and 'Advanced' settings sub-tabs.
When launching the Export Service app for the first time, it will default to the ' Settings' tab with 'General' and 'Advanced' settings sub-tabs.
In the ' General' tab, enter the StorSite Web Service URL for the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection tenant along with the credentials of the service account that is configured in ASP for the Export Service. This account will need to be authorized in ASP with the following rights:
- API authorization
- Access all items
For instructions on how to configure authorization on the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection account that will be used by the Export Service, see
How to Configure Authorization for the Export Service's Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Account.
With the URL and credentials entered, click the '
Interactive Login' button to authenticate for the connection between the Export Service and your Veritas Alta SaaS Protection tenant.
Next, click the '
Apply' button at the bottom right of the app window. This will save your changes and establish your connection.

Export Locations
Export locations are the preconfigured places that will display in the End User Portal and the Admin Portal's 'Content App' for users to select when setting up a background export job.
To create an export location, under the 'Settings' tab in the 'General' sub tab, click 'Add Location' to see the configurable properties window which has the following settings:
- Display Name -- This is the name users will see in the pick list of available export destinations.
- UNC Path -- This is the path of the export destination.
- Set Read-Only -- If this flag is set, the location will be marked read-only. It is important to note that NSP provides a one-way sync from the cloud to this location. By enabling read-only, you help prevent users from saving changes to this location where they will not be synchronized back into the cloud.
- Restore ACLs -- If this option is enabled, Veritas Alta SaaS Protection will output the permissions. It is important to note that Veritas Alta SaaS Protection merges all exports to a particular export location. With 'Restore ACLs' enabled, users will see only the content to which they have access. All important to note is that NSP will set the permissions on a given export job only once. If the permissions to the content change later on, NSP will not sync the permissions to the export location.
- Set Last Accessed Time to Current Time -- With this option disabled, Veritas Alta SaaS Protection will set the last accessed time that currently exists in the cloud. If enabled, the time of the export job will be used. Note: Any change of this setting requires a restart of the export service to take effect.
- Delete Files Not Accessed in N Days -- This option allows you to automatically expire data from export jobs based on last accessed. If you use any value other than '0', you will see that the 'Set Last Access Time to Current Time' defaults to enabled.

To modify an export location, click to highlight it and select the '
Update Location' button.
To delete an export location, click to highlight it and select the '
Delete Location' button.
To configure advanced settings in the Export Service, under the '
' tab, click the '
' sub tab.
- # Threads -- This determines how many folders will be processed in parallel by the export service when executing export jobs.
- Log Directory -- This is the output path where you will find the event logs for the export service.
- Pre-ingest Encryption Keys -- If you are using the pre-ingest encryption option in the ASP Connector Service, then you probably want the export service to automatically decrypt any encrypted content it exports from NSP so that users can access their content as expected.