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Article: 100050037
Last Published: 2024-11-13
Ratings: 1 4
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
To download the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility, see Where to download the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility.
To install and configure the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility, see How to Install and Configure the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility.
Assuming you have the required authorization and have successfully downloaded and installed the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility, follow these steps to perform an Admin export:
Connect the Export Utility
Launch the Export Utility. Should you wish to export to the local file system, you may need to start the utility using the Windows option "Run as administrator".
Enter the StorSite URL as shown below. This can be taken from the Admin portal URL.
Enter the email address used to log into the Admin portal then click '
Next'. You will be prompted to authenticate with your password.

Once logged in, the following page will be presented.
Export Mode
You could have the following '
Export Mode's available depending on your accounts permissions. However, this article is based on having Admin access.
- Admin - This KB.
- End User - for more details see How to Use the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility (for Users).
- Discovery Case - for more details see How to Use the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Export Utility to Export Discovery Cases.
Export From
This is where you will choose which data to be exported.
- Click the ellipse button and select the Stor and location of the data to export.
- Depending on your specific configuration you may have more than one 'Stor' to select from.

Note: You can right-click a selected node to apply a filter. This is very useful when you have many connectors or locations available. For more information see How To Filter Locations in the Export Utility.
- Once you've selected your desired export location click 'Ok' to proceed.
Export What
Define the scope of the export. Your options are:
- All Items - To export all times from the 'Export From' location.
Specified Items - To select individual items for restore.
Items Meeting Metadata FilterClick ' Add Filter' and select a Policy Filter type.

Different options within the Filters:
Select your ' Metadata Field' from the dropdown and ' Add Value' to specify the value according to the field. You can continue to ' Add Filter' to specify additional metadata. Select whether to AND or OR your Filters Allows you to specify the same criteria as MetadataAge as well as:
- TotalBlobSizeKB - Numeric value in kilobytes.
ItemType - Item type can use regex or wildcards. It needs to include the dot before the extension.Example: For Example.doc these all are *regex: ^\..oc$
- StorageTier - Value identifying the Tier (Hot, Cool, or Archive).
- RemovedFromSource - Flag identifying where the Connector Service has detected the item has been removed from the original source location.
- FolderPath - Export items with a specific folder name and/or path. Can use regex or wildcards.
Export To

The options are:
- Azure Blob Storage
Click the ellipsis button and provide the 'Connection String', 'Container Name' and, optionally, 'Root Path' of the Blob Storage location. - File Folder
Click the ellipsis button and provide the 'Destination Path.' -
Single Mailbox
Click the ellipsis button and provide the ' Exchange Connection', ' Mailbox SMTP', and ' Mailbox Type'.Optionally you can choose a ' Folder Path', ' Suppress Duplicates', ' Only Restore Regular Sent Messages', ' Merge 'Active Mailbox' Folder', and ' Suppress Unsupported Item Classes.'For more information see How to Configure the Exchange Connection for the Export Utility . -
User Mailboxes
Click the ellipsis button and select your ' Exchange Connection.'Optionally you can choose to ' Suppress Duplicates', ' Only Restore Regular Sent Messages', ' Merge 'Active Mailbox' Folder', and ' Suppress Unsupported Item Classes.'Mappings should be automatically created, alternatively: Select ' Add Mapping' or ' Update Mapping' to map locations to mailboxes.For more information see How to Configure the Exchange Connection for the Export Utility. -
Single PST
Select a ' Destination Path' and provide a ' PST File Name.'Optionally you can choose to ' Suppress Duplicates' in the export.Click ' Ok' to save.When exporting to a PST, it requires Outlook 64 bit to be installed on the machine running the export. -
User PSTSelect a ' Destination Path' for the individual user PST files to be created.Optionally you can choose to ' Suppress Duplicates' in the export.Mappings should be automatically created, alternatively:Select ' Add Mapping' or ' Update Mapping' to map locations to PST files.
Single SharePoint Site CollectionClick the ellipsis button and provide the ' SharePoint Connection'For more information see How to Configure the SharePoint Connection for the Export Utility.
Restore Type

The options are:
- Original Item
- Link-Based Stub
Seamless StubNotes for Stub options:
This only applies to data being restored from a Files Stor. If stubbing is not in use, do not choose either of these options unless directed by Veritas support.
For more information on stub formats see Overview of Stubbing Options . If stubbing is not
Admin Export Mode
- All - Exports/recovers the latest version for all items. If 'Restore Stubs' is enabled, any stubs that are output will recall the latest item version.
All (Point-In-Time) - Provide a date and time (UTC). This will recover the most recent item versions prior to the selected point-in-time. If ' Restore Stubs' is enabled, any stubs that are output will recall the item version that meets the point-in-time criteria.Notes:
For Mailbox data, the date/time is based on the Archived Date.
Point-in-time recovery is handy for recovering from ransomware attacks.
Point-in-time recovery is available for SharePoint data as of Veritas Alta SaaS Protection version 2.9.419. If this option is not available in the utility, open a support case for assistance to make sure your tenant is on a version 2.9.419 or higher.
Specific Range - Provide either a Range Start or Range End or both (UTC). Exports only those items for which there exists a version between the selected start and end dates. The item version dates are based on when it was archived into Veritas Alta SaaS Protection. Only item versions with archive dates between the range start and end are included in the scope (their latest version from within range start and end will be restored (or a stub for that version if ' Restore Stubs' is enabled)).
Note: This feature can be used for rapid recovery times without incurring heavy cloud data transfer fees and impact on your network. For more information, see How to Perform Efficient File Server Recovery with Veritas Alta SaaS Protection.
Advanced Settings
Are optional, and include:
- Include Manifests - If enabled, creates an XML manifest file for each file in the directory. This is true even if the file or stub already exists -- if Veritas Alta SaaS Protection has the file in the cloud and a manifest is not present in the directory for the item then one will be created.
- Restore ACLs - If enabled, restores the security ACLs for any file or stub that is exported/recovered.
- Force Overwrite - If enabled, instead of a merge, any file already in the directory that also has a file/stub in the export/recovery scope will be replaced. This option can lead to data loss since it will remove content in the destination that may not yet be captured into Veritas Alta SaaS Protection as a new item version.
- Enhanced Metadata Restore - If enabled, exported last modified dates are accurate to the second. This option is resource-intensive. With this option disabled, exported last modified dates are accurate to the minute.
- Create Copy - When exporting to a file folder, if the file already exists in the folder, the file will be exported and appear as a copy. e.g. test(1).txt
- Metadata Export - Export a file containing metadata of the exported items.
- None
- HSMetadataXml - Metadata is exported per item. In each directory where items are restored there is an accompanying file named [filename.ext].hsmetadata.xml that contains any additional metadata for that item.
- CSV - Metadata is exported per directory. In each directory where items are restored there is an accompanying file named hsmetadata.csv that contains any additional metadata for all restored items.
- Prune Empty Folders - If enabled, empty folders are not created during the restore.
- Remove Linked-Based Stubs -This option only applies to files being recovered to a File server. If enabled, any file that is restored and which has a Linked-Based stub file in the directory will have the Linked-Based stub removed when the original file is restored. This setting is only needed when Linked-Based stubs exist.
- Remove Html Stubs - This option only applies to files being recovered to a File server.. If enabled, any file that is restored and which has an HTML stub file in the directory will have the HTML stub removed when the original file is restored. This setting is only needed when HTML stubs exist.
- Suppress 'Removed From Source' Content - This is recommended so that it does not restore data that has been deleted from the source as it may cause confusion for the user base. (NOTE: Option is enabled by default starting in version 2.11.8 and on)
- Remove Offline Attribute from Non-Stubs - This will find any files that are offline but not reparse points and remove the offline attribute. This is useful when certain applications trigger a restore but the offline attribute is not removed.
- Restore Stubs Only - Only restores SharePoint files that are stubbed. This will essentially unstub everything that is stubbed in a given location.
- Include All Blob (for multi-blob Stors) - Exports all of the blobs associated with a file. Some types of data have multiple blobs per item version, and if all these versions are uploaded to ASP it will contains multiple blobs. This option will export all of these versions.
Run the Export
As the export runs, you will be able to see its progress. Click the 'View advanced monitoring' link to review the bandwidth settings which are adjustable.

Access the Export
When the export completes, you can run another export by clicking the '
Run Another Export' button.
Navigate to the output location you configured for your export and you should see the original folder structure recreated with the selected items.