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Article: 100050004
Last Published: 2023-09-19
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Veritas Alta SaaS Protection
In Veritas Alta SaaS Protection, all activity is always audited. To access, interrogate, and export auditing information, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Navigate to Auditing
In the Veritas Alta SaaS Protection Admin Portal, select 'Administration' and then select 'Auditing'.
Step 2 - Select the Type of Auditing
Veritas Alta SaaS Protection separates activity information into different categories:
- Activities - All activities performed by the Administrator and the privileged users on the Administration portal are displayed on this page. The page lists the events with it's time of occurrence, user, event type, and details.
- Item Actions - All system-related activities such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) detection, indexing, and retention errors are displayed on this page.
- Data Retrievals - All data retrieval activities performed by users, including external users are displayed on the page.
- Sharing - All sharing activities performed by users, whether internally or externally are displayed on the page.
Step 3 - Refine Search
In any of the activity types, you apply filters to refine the search results. Step through each search filter to make sure it is scoped the way you like. When ready, click the 'Search' button to run the query and see what results may exist.
Step 4 - Export
If you ever need, audit information is easily exported. Click the '
Export' button and the results will be exported to CSV file format.