After applying ECA certificate cannot login to Administrator Java GUI "Verification of X.509 certificate failed when connecting to the bpjava msvc service"
Error Message
"Verification of X.509 certificate failed when connecting to the bpjava msvc service"
If you have an intermediate certificate (from a certificate chain), sequence of the certificates in the path should be as leaf certificate > intermediate certificate
For Netbackup & 8.2
- Append the leaf certificate and intermediate certificates with leaf certificate on the top in a file, provide that file path in "ECA_CERT_PATH".
# grep ECA /usr/openv/net*/bp.conf
ECA_CERT_PATH=/etc/server_certs/ >>> this includes host + intermediate cert (certificate-int.pem)
ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH=/etc/server_certs/trust.pem >>>>> this includes root CA cert
- Take a backup of above certificates.
- Appended the intermediate CA details to the host cert by running the x509 on both certificates and then append the content together in this format:
For example - host certificate + intermediate-CA is displayed as follows :
(host certificate's base64 data here)
(intermediate certificate's base64 data here)
- Now add this new certificate file for "ECA_CERT_PATH"
Run the command :
<install_path>/wmc/bin/install/configureWebServerCerts -addExternalCert -all -certPath /etc/server_certs/certificate-int.pem -privateKeyPath /etc/server_certs/new_certificatekey_master_server_name.pem -trustStorePath /etc/server_certs/trust.pem
- Now enroll them with nbcertcmd -enrollcertificate
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is
<install path>\NetBackup\bin\
- Now you can login to Java GUI.
NOTE: Customer needs to check how many intermediate CA (certificate) they have in their environment.
Another way to confirm same, try to connect on WEBUI and not being able to connect on Java GUI.
So check on WEBUI link, by clicking on Certificate icon.
For more information refer : Veritas NetBackup™ Security and Encryption Guide