How to use Veritas System Recovery (VSR) with S3 compatible Cloud Storage Provider

Article: 100044854
Last Published: 2022-06-29
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Product(s): System Recovery


How to use Veritas System Recovery VSR to backup to a S3 compatible Cloud Storage Provider

Before setting up System Recover to backup to a 3rd party S3 compatible cloud storage provider the CloudInstance utility must first be run.

Start an Admin Command Prompt and change to the "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Veritas System Recovery\Agent>" folder.

In this example an instance name of vsrtest will be created using Wasabi or wasabisys s3 compatible cloud provider.  The CloudInstance Provider for this
is "compatible-with-s3" and the ServiceHost is but can also be "" or one of their other Hosts as obtained from the
provider.  For SSL Support "2" is entered for Full Authentication however the provider may or may not support SSL.  The Ports used were also obtained from the
provider and may be different.

NOTE: Veritas System Recovery supports only signature Version 2 for the S3-compatible cloud storage.

cloudinstance -addinstance

CloudInstance Name: vsrtest
CloudInstance Provider: compatible-with-s3
CloudInstance ServiceHost:
SSL Supported (0\1\2): 2 
HTTP Port: 80
HTTPS Port: 443

Instance vsrtest added successfully

CloudInstance Name        : vsrtest
CloudInstance Provider    : compatible-with-s3
CloudInstance ServiceHost :
CloudInstance SSL Mode    : 2
CloudInstance URL Style   : 2
CloudInstance HTTP Port   : 80
CloudInstance HTTPS Port  : 443
CloudInstance End Point   :


The CloudInstance name "vsrtest" has successfully been created.

More information can be found in the Veritas System Recovery Admin Guide:

Within the Cloud Provider a bucket must be created and conform to the guidelines.
Refer to the following technote to view the bucket naming conventions:

In this example the bucket is also called "bucket1007"

Access keys must also be generated from the Cloud Provider.

Access Key that will serve as the login name.
Secret Key that will serve as the password.

Within Veritas System Recovery when Defining a new Backup for the Folder Destination click on the gray icon that represents cloud storage.


In the Server type: field choose S3 drop down.

For this example we are using the CloudInstance Provider: compatible-with-s3 and the CloudInstance Name: vsrtest that was created when running the cloudinstance creator tool.

Enter the Access-key and secret-key for the User name and Password that have been obtained from the provider.

The bucket should now be able to be chosen from the drop down under logical storage unit.


Backups should now be successful when targeting this cloud storage bucket.

If the bucket does not show up it could be that the Cloud Provide does not support SSL.  To verify re-run the cloudinstance creator tool, delete the cloudinstance and recreate it using "0" for SSL.

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