Enterprise Vault Search (EVS) button no longer works in Microsoft Outlook after installing Microsoft Security patches KB4011178, KB4011162, or KB4011196
Enterprise Vault Search (EVS) button will not work after applying patch. No errors will show.
Error Message
Client trace will reveal (for Enterprise Vault Search):
11/10/2017 17:58:36.066[2272][H]: Action: Failed to execute action 'SEARCH'
11/10/2017 17:58:36.067[2272][H]: Action: A COM error exception has been caught: <this error code varies>
NOTE: Legacy search functions such as Search Vaults and Archive Explorer are also affected. These buttons will not work as well, and the same workaround can be applied.
Client trace will reveal (for Archive Explorer):
13/12/2017 06:19:02.938[3428][H]: Action: Failed to execute action 'AE'
13/12/2017 06:19:02.938[3428][H]: Action: A COM error exception has been caught: <this error code varies>
This issue has been found to occur after the installation of the following Microsoft Outlook Security Patches.
To determine if this patch has been installed, this command may be run from an elevated command prompt (Run as Administrator):
systeminfo | findstr “KB4011196 KB4011178 KB4011162”
Workaround 1
Use the EnableRoamingFolderHomepages registry value to re-enable the Enterprise Vault Search button. This Microsoft KB article describes the usage of this registry value setting as it applies to this issue. This value type should be DWORD and set with a value of 1. Note that some of the registry path keys may will need to be created if they do not already exist.The Registry location for these settings varies by the version of Outlook. For convenience, Veritas has made available a downloadable zip file containing Registry Entries (.reg) files to create the required settings on each supported version of Outlook.
To create the Registry settings on an affected machine:
- Download the zip file attached to this article and extract it.
- Browse to the folder for the appropriate version of Outlook.
- On the affected workstation, import the contents of the .reg file by double-clicking it or by using File > Import from the Regedit application.
- Restart Outlook on the affected workstation.
The Registry settings can also be applied to a large number of machines using Group Policy.
Workaround 2
Users can access their archived items via Enterprise Vault Search in a supported web browserWorkaround 3
Remove the security patchWorkaround 4
Go to Enterprise Vault Admin Console, go to the Exchange Desktop Policy properties, Advanced tab, change the drop down box called List settings from: to Outlook, and then scroll down to Search behavior and change value to "Separate browser". Then synchronized across all mailboxes for the change to take affect.
If this issue is encountered with MS Outlook 2019, use the registry patch for MS Outlook 2016 from the attachments section as per Workaround 1.
This issue has been addressed in the following releases:
Enterprise Vault 12.2.2
Enterprise Vault 12.3
NOTE: After installing the Enterprise Vault 12.2.2 or above Outlook Add-in Client, Outlook must be started for the changes to be applied and then restarted for the changes to take affect.
Warning: Incorrect use of the Windows registry editor may prevent the operating system from functioning properly. Great care should be taken when making changes to a Windows registry. Registry modifications should only be carried-out by persons experienced in the use of the registry editor application. It is recommended that a complete backup of the registry and workstation be made prior to making any registry changes.