Backup Exec Error 0xe0008115 when trying to run a Catalog Job of the Backup Exec Media

Article: 100039643
Last Published: 2020-05-11
Ratings: 0 5
Product(s): Backup Exec


Restore operation fails. Created a new B2D folder and ran Inventory and Catalog job. When running an Inventory and Catalog job the job fails with the error listed below


Error Message

Final error: 0xe0008115 "Physical volume library drive or robot paused, offline or disabled.  Final error category backup device error".




The backup job was originally to a removable disk mounted as Drive M:. During the Restore the drive was mounted as Drive I:.



1) Change the Drive from I: back to M:
2) Run a catalog operation on the drive. The Inventory and catalog job will complete successfully.
3) Now run the restore job. The job should complete successfully.

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