How to setup Dtrace logging for Search

Article: 100039348
Last Published: 2024-05-06
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault



This article provides examples and the steps necessary to capture information related to the search functionality of EV using the Dtrace tool. Please refer to the related articles section below for detailed steps on how to configure Dtrace. 


Note: For searches on 64bit volumes: Set the trace on the EVIndexQueryServer.exe service in ‘Verbose’ mode to monitor the search queries generated in the Dtrace.

          For searches on 32bit volumes: Set the trace on the IndexServer.exe service in ‘Verbose’ mode to monitor the search queries generated in the Dtrace.

          (In upgraded installs of EV10 it is very common for an archive to have both 32bit and 64bit index volumes. It is best to turn tracing on both EVIndexQueryServer.exe and IndexServer.exe service)
The following Filters can be Included / Excluded to narrow the information captured:
Dtrace Filters   Include Strings:
    CAltaVistaSearch (for 32bit indexes only)
Dtrace Filters  Exclude Strings :
Sample Search Criteria:  Below are examples of the expected output of 32 and 64 bit queries based on the values listed in the table:
All of
ratify eclipse suspend
Any of
Any of
snowy adventure
Contents of the Search Query (64-bit)
{STRUCTUREDQUERYTOVELOCITYQUERY } [Search 9] Velocity query:|<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>|<operator xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" logic="and">| <operator logic="and" xmlns="urn:/velocity/objects">|     <operator logic="and">|      <operator logic="range">|        <term str="0" field="anum" />|        <term str="0" field="anum" />|      </operator>|      <operator logic="not">|        <operator logic="equal">|          <term str="2" field="sens" />|        </operator>|      </operator>|    </operator>|    <operator logic="and">|      <operator logic="and">|        <operator logic="and">|          <term str="ratify" field="x_subj" />|          <term str="eclipse" field="x_subj" />|          <term str="suspend" field="x_subj" />|        </operator>|        <term str="bill" field="x_auth" />|        <operator logic="or">|          <term str="snowy" field="x_cont" />|          <term str="adventure" field="x_cont" />|         </operator>|      </operator>|      <operator logic="not">|        <operator logic="equal">|          <term str="2" field="x_sens" />|        </operator>|     </operator>|    </operator>| </operator>|</operator>
Results of the  Search (64-bit)
{VELOCITYRESULTSTOEV8RESULTS } [61ms] Transform 50 results from Velocity to EV8 XML
In the above sample a search is performed on the fields ‘subject’, ‘author’ & ‘content’ and the search query is interpreted as:
  • The field ‘x_subj’ contains the words “ratify eclipse suspend” and the logical operator is ‘AND’.   
  • The field ‘x_auth’ contains the word Bill and the logical operator is ‘OR’.
  • The field ‘x_cont’ contains the words “snowy adventure” and the logical operator is ‘OR’.
  • 50 results are returned from 64-bit indexing engine managed indexes.
In the 64-bit indexing engine, the prefix x_<field> is meant to search on both top-level and attachment-level of the item. If the search field is not prefixed by x_ then it is meant of search only on the top-level of the item.
Contents of the Search Query  (32-bit)
 (IndexServer)    <3892> EV:M     CAltaVistaSearch::Search Query: "subj" 40 "ratify eclipse suspend"|"auth" 40 "bill"|"cont" 40 "snowy adventure"|0,3|
(IndexServer)     <3892> EV:M     CAltaVistaSearch::NonChunkedSearch Parsed Query: (((subj:ratify OR subj:eclipse OR subj:suspend) AND auth:bill AND (cont:madam OR cont:snowy)) AND NOT (ssid:{MD.**})) AND ((pvid:[pvid:1-2] AND NOT {afidisdyn&#_}) OR ({afidisdyn&#_} AND ({PVID_BC49E6026454B84292304C25AA630F89.EN_US} OR {PVID_EC3B69233C18294A90953DA5457307A3.EN_US})))
Results of the  Search  (32-bit)
CAltaVistaSearch::ChunkedSearch Search[2] Results found: 41 returned: 41|Memory: 6(MB) Elapsed: 0.0(secs)
The query indicates the fields used for search with corresponding search terms and logical operators associated to it. The above query is interpreted as:
  • The field ‘subj’ contains the words “ratify eclipse suspend” and the logical operator is ‘AND’.   
  • The field ‘auth’ contains the word Bill.
  • The field ‘cont’ contains the words “snowy adventure” and the logical operator is ‘OR’.
  • 41 results are returned by AltaVista managed indexes.


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