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How to determine if an index location is in backup mode using the SQL EnterpriseVaultDirectory database
Article: 100039331
Last Published: 2021-09-28
Ratings: 2 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault
The EnterpriseVaultDirectory database IndexRootPathEntry table and view_IndexRootPath view contains information about each index location within the Directory. This includes a column named BackupMode. The BackupMode value shows the current state of each index volumne associated within the Directory. Possible values of this entry are:
- 0 – Indicates that the index location is NOT in backup mode.
- 1 – Indicates that the index location is in backup mode. While the location is in backup mode, no data will be written to the index.
Run the following SQL Query to identify all of the index locations that are currently in Backup Mode::
USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
FROM View_IndexRootPath
WHERE BackupMode = 1