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How to determine if an index location is open/closed using the SQL EnterpriseVaultDirectory database.
Article: 100039329
Last Published: 2014-12-10
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault
The EnterpriseVaultDirectory database IndexRootPathEntry table and view_IndexRootPath view contains information about each index location within the Directory. This includes a column named IndexRootPathStatus. The IndexRootPathStatus shows the current state of each Index Volume associated within the Directory. Possible values of this entry are:
- 0 – Indicates that the location is open. Indexing can add data to this location.
- 1 – Indicates that the location is closed. Indexing cannot add data to this location. If there are new items for existing indexes, Indexing uses a different location.
Run the following SQL Query to identify all of the currently open index locations:
USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
FROM View_IndexRootPath
WHERE IndexRootPathStatus = 0