There are three tables in the Vault Store database that contain entries for items that have been archived.
- JournalArchive - This table contains information about items that have been added to the archive
- JournalDelete - This table contains information about items that have been deleted from the archive
- JournalUpdate - This table contains information about items that have been updated in the archive
Where an entry in any of these tables has the IndexCommited column set to 0, this means that the related index volume has pending additions, deletions or updates.
For example, to find all of the index volumes that contain pending additions, use the following query:
use EnterpriseVaultDirectory
select VaultEntryId,ArchiveName,FolderName from IndexVolumeView IVV
where IVV.VaultEntryId in (select distinct AP.ArchivePointId from EVVSVStoreThread_13..ArchivePoint AP
inner join EVVSVStoreThread_13..JournalArchive JA
on AP.ArchivePointIdentity = JA.ArchivePointIdentity
and JA.IndexCommited = 0)
Replace EVVSVStoreThread_13 with the name of the Vault Store database.
As another example: To get a count of items based on Archivename use the following query:
Replace EVVSSMTPJournal_1 with the name of VaultStore database.
select count (*) AS ItemsAwaitingDeletion, av.ArchiveName, jd.ArchivePointIdentity
from [EVVSSMTPJournal_1].[dbo].[JournalDelete] AS jd
Join [EVVSSMTPJournal_1].[dbo].[Vault] AS va
On jd.ArchivePointIdentity = va.ArchivePointIdentity
Join [EnterpriseVaultDirectory].[dbo].[ArchiveView] As av
On av.VaultEntryId = va.vaultid
where jd.IndexCommitted =0 group by av.ArchiveName, jd.ArchivePointIdentity
order by jd.ArchivePointIdentity DESC
Example Result:
ItemsAwaitingDeletion ArchiveName ArchivePointIdentity
100 User1 1
2000 User2 2
13 User3 3
7 User4 4