How to enable Search Result Logging on 64bit index volumes

Article: 100039317
Last Published: 2014-12-09
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


To enable Search Result Logging, follow these steps within the Enterprise Vault Admin Console (VAC):

  1. Expand Enterprise Vault Servers under the site container in the left pane.
  2. Right-click the Enterprise Vault server that hosts the Indexing service and select Properties.
  3. On the Advanced Tab, select Search Log Results and click Modify.
  4. In the drop-down menu, select On and click OK.
  5. Select Search Logs Folder and click Modify.
  6. Enter a path to a local folder on the Index server, and click OK.
  7. On the Properties page click OK, and then on the warning dialog about changes to advanced settings, click OK.
  8. Restart the Enterprise Vault server's Indexing Service.
  9. Perform searches using any Search application.
Navigate to the local path as specified in step 5 to review the search result log files generated. The file begins with velresp_* and is in a XML format.
To turn Search Result Logging Off, follow the steps at the top of this article and select Off in step 4.
Case 1:
If the Search Result Logging is enabled and searches are performed on 32bit indexes, then for every search request an error log will be generated with ‘<message>The collection [<Collection Id>] does not exist. </message>’. This is because collections exist for 64bit index volumes only, hence this error can be ignored.
Case 2:
If the collection for a 64bit index volume is missing, then this error message is logged and should not be ignored.

For more information on velresp_*.xml file see ‘Interpreting the search results in velresp log file.’
For more information on enabling search query logging, see 'How to enable Search Query Logging on 64bit index volumes.'

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