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Error "E7d10041: Unable to establish a network connection" when connecting to a NAS after adding correct credentials for the share that have previously worked.
Article: 100030896
Last Published: 2015-10-15
Ratings: 0 1
Product(s): System Recovery
Trying to connect to a NAS fails with "E7d10041: Unable to establish a network connection" even after adding the correct credentials for the Share, even when it previously worked. This error is typically due to BESR / SSR unable to establish communication with the device.
Error Message
E7d10041: Unable to establish a network connection
Follow one or more of the following steps:
- Contact the NAS mftr for any firmware or software updates for the device, and check instructions and FAQs on how to effectively access the device from the operating system accessing it.
- Change the Service account from the Local System Account to an user that has permissions over this share
- Use the IP address of the NAS, rather than the share name, (e.g..\\\share).
- If using a NAS that uses SAMBA, that device may not support NTLMv2. From the machine accessing the NAS, change the setting to LM or NTLM. to do this:
> Click Start -> Control Panel ->Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy
> Local Policies -> Security Options -> Network Security: LAN Manager Authentication Level
> Change Send NTVLM2 responses only to Send LM and NTLM - use NTLMV2 session security if negotiated. Click OK.
> Local Policies -> Security Options -> Network Security: Minimum session security for NTLM SSP
> Disable Require 128-bit encryption. Click OK.
- Click Start -> Control Panel-> Credentials Manager. (If you cannot see this, change control panel to 'classic view'). Locate the stored credentials for the NAS and click Remove From Vault.
- Create a different Domain Name System (DNS) alias for the NAS, and then use this alias to connect to the network share.
- Clear the cached Windows password for that share by using NET USE from the command prompt to clear the saved Windows credentials for the share.
For example: to clear the credentials for the “BACKUP” share on a NAS:
net use \\ReadyNAS\BACKUP /delete /yes