NDMP file folder not showing up after tape catalog job is run

Article: 100030819
Last Published: 2019-01-21
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Backup Exec


After a catalog job on an NDMP backup set, Restore Selections just show the top level information (Figure 1).  This issue may appear when cataloging NDMP media (Backup to disk or Tape). The catalogs may have been purged or truncated from Backup Exec or the catalogs (restore selections) for the media don't exist due to the media being from an offsite location or another Backup Exec media server.

(Figure 1)


The Catalog job may complete successfully and indicate "This backup set may not contain any data". It can also fail with below error messages.


Error Message

 No selection exist for this resource.

This backup set may not contain any data.

The Catalog job might also fail with the error:

 Final error: 0xe00084b7 - A backup set was created which contains no data. See the job log for details.
Final error category: Job Errors

Catalog- //DeviceName.DomainName:10000/FS1
Null backupset.  Possible reason:

Cataloging SW Compressed ArcServe Tape. Backupexec does not support this operation  


NDMP backup sets cannot be cataloged unless the following option is selected as a catalog default: Use storage media-based catalogs


Click on the Backup Exec icon -> Configuration and Settings -> Backup Exec Settings -> Select  " Use storage-based catalogs" and Request all media in the sequence for catalog operations.

Note: If a catalog has been performed with "Use storage-based catalogs" disabled or unchecked  the following must be performed to catalog the NDMP backup media successfully.

1)  Make a note of the slot(s) in the Robotic Library that have the NDMP tape(s) that need to be cataloged.  If the media is a Backup to disk folder, make a note of the Backup to disk location and all the associated media for the NDMP set.


2)  In the Backup Exec console, from the storage -> select these media ->  right click and retire.

3) Delete the tapes which were moved to retired media set from Online Tape media section in storage tab of Backup Exec console. Note: This will not physically delete the data on the media. It will delete the backup set xml catalog file only.


4) Inventory the media located in the Tape library slot(s), tape drive, or Backup to Disk location noted in Step 1.


5) Click on the Backup Exec icon -> Configuration and Settings -> Backup Exec Settings -> Select  " Use storage-based catalogs" and Request all media in the sequence for catalog operations.

6) Restart the Backup Exec services after point 5.

6) Catalog the NDMP media.

7) After the catalog job completes check the restore selections and full File History selections should exist for the NDMP backup set.



Applies To

 NDMP Feature


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