Storage Foundation 5.0MP3 and later support iSCSI Storage devices on RHEL 5, RHEL 6, SLES 10, SLES 11, Solaris 10 SPARC, Solaris 11 SPARC, Solaris10 X64, and Solaris 11 X64

Article: 100019043
Last Published: 2013-07-19
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Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


Storage Foundation 5.0MP3 and later support iSCSI Storage devices on RHEL 5, RHEL 6, SLES 10, SLES 11, Solaris 10 SPARC, Solaris 11 SPARC, Solaris10 X64, and Solaris 11 X64


This article highlights the steps involved in installing and configuring iSCSI software initiators on RHEL 5, RHEL 6, SLES 10 SP1, SLES 10 SP2, SLES 11, Solaris 10 SPARC, Solaris 11 SPARC, Solaris 10 X64, and Solaris 11 X64 platforms
Note: Storage Foundation 5.0MP3 does not support iSCSI Storage devices on RHEL 4, SLES 9, SLES 10 SP3, SLES 11 SPx, Solaris 8, Solaris 9, and Solaris 10 OS prior to Solaris 10 Update 4
Note: Storage Foundation 5.1 or later is required to support RHEL 6
Note: Storage Foundation 6.0PR1 or later is required to support Solaris 11 
SW iSCSI Configuration File (Linux)
The iSCSI initiator name will automatically created in : /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi" file when software is installed.
RHEL 5 Open-iSCSI Initiator Setup
1. Install RHEL 5 iSCSI software initiator rpm "iscsi-initiator-utils-" (Included in Redhat installation CDs) on the host.
2. Run "service iscsid start" to start the iscsid.
3. Issue the following command to discover iSCSi targets: 
     iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p <Target IP address>  
4. Run below command to login to target:
     iscsiadm -m node -T <Target name> -p <Target IP address>

RHEL 6 Open-iSCSI Initiator Setup
Note: Storage Foundation 5.1 or later is required to support RHEL 6.

1. Install RHEL 6 iSCSI software initiator rpm (Included in Redhat installation CDs) on the host.
2. Run "service iscsid start" to start the iscsid.
3. Issue the following command to discover iSCSi targets: 
     iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p <Target IP address>  
4. Run below command to login to target:
     iscsiadm -m node -T <Target name> -p <Target IP address>

SLES 10 Open-iSCSI Initiator Setup
1. Install iSCSI Software Initiator "open-iscsi-2.0.707-0.44" using Yast2 utility.
   a. From console or terminal, launch Yast2 utility.
   b. Highlight "Software" and choose "Software Management".
   c. Tab down to "Search" and enter "iscsi".
   d. Choose "open iscsi" - "Linux* Open-iSCSI Software Initiator" and accept.
   e. Insert SLES10 CD1 to install.
2. Configure iSCSI target(s) using Yast2 utility as below:
   a. From console or terminal, launch Yast2 utility.
   b. Highlight 'Network Services' and choose 'iSCSI Initiator'.
   c. For "Service Start" choose "When Booting".
   d. Click "Discovered Targets" and choose Discovery.
   e. Enter your 'iSCSi array target IP' and choose No Authentication.
   f. Highlight your port target IP and choose Login.
   g. Click Finish to complete the configuration.
Known Issue & Workaround for NetApp iSCSI devices on SLES 10
Sometimes the NICs are not ready when iSCSI driver starts up. As a result the targets do not get logged in automatically. The work around is to add 1 minute wait time in the network startup script '/etc/init.d/network'.
SLES 11 Open-iSCSI Initiator Setup
1. Install iSCSI Software Initiator using Yast2 utility.
   a. From console or terminal, launch Yast2 utility.
   b. Highlight "Software" and choose "Software Management".
   c. Tab down to "Search" and enter "iscsi".
   d. Choose "open iscsi" - "Linux* Open-iSCSI Software Initiator" and accept.
   e. Insert SLES10 CD1 to install.
2. Configure iSCSI target(s) using Yast2 utility as below:
   a. From console or terminal, launch Yast2 utility.
   b. Highlight 'Network Services' and choose 'iSCSI Initiator'.
   c. For "Service Start" choose "When Booting".
   d. Click "Discovered Targets" and choose Discovery.
   e. Enter your 'iSCSi array target IP' and choose No Authentication.
   f. Highlight your port target IP and choose Login.
   g. Click Finish to complete the configuration.
Solaris 10 SPARC, and Solaris 10 X64 iSCSI initiator setup.
Note: Storage Foundation 5.0MP3 does not support iSCSI storage devices OS prior to Solaris 10 Update 4.
Note: Make sure the NICs to be used for iSCSI storage connection have IPs associated. The NICs should be able to ping the iSCSI targets IPs on the iSCSI storage. Also, the IPs need to be configured to make them available at boot time.
1. Install iSCSI software packages "SUNWiscsir" and "SUNWiscsiu" on the system if they are not installed already.
     SUNWiscsir - iSCSI Devuce Driver
     SUNWiscsiu - iSCSI Management Utilities
2. Check the system has met the minimum iSCSI patch requirement: 119090-30 (SPARC), 119091-31 (X64)
3. Issue the following command to configure the static discovery of iSCSI storage LUNs.
     iscsiadm add static-config <target-name,target-address[:port-number][,tpgt]>
     Note: the "tpgt" value may be required by certain iSCSI storage.
4. Issue the following command to enable the iSCSI static target discovery method.
     iscsiadm modify discovery --static enable
5. Issue the following command to verify the iSCSI static target discovery method is enabled.
     iscsiadm list discovery
6. Issue the following command to configure the iSCSI devices to the system.
     devfsadm -i iscsi
Solaris 11 SPARC, and Solaris 11 X64 iSCSI initiator setup.
Note: Storage Foundation 6.0PR1 or later is required to support Solaris 11.
Note: Make sure the NICs to be used for iSCSI storage connection have IPs associated. The NICs should be able to ping the iSCSI targets IPs on the iSCSI storage. Also, the IPs need to be configured to make them available at boot time.
1. Install iSCSI software packages "SUNWiscsir" and "SUNWiscsiu" on the system if they are not installed already.
     SUNWiscsir - iSCSI Devuce Driver
     SUNWiscsiu - iSCSI Management Utilities
2. Check the system has met the minimum iSCSI patch requirement: 119090-30 (SPARC), 119091-31 (X64)
3. Issue the following command to configure the static discovery of iSCSI storage LUNs.
     iscsiadm add static-config <target-name,target-address[:port-number][,tpgt]>
     Note: the "tpgt" value may be required by certain iSCSI storage.
4. Issue the following command to enable the iSCSI static target discovery method.
     iscsiadm modify discovery --static enable
5. Issue the following command to verify the iSCSI static target discovery method is enabled.
     iscsiadm list discovery
6. Issue the following command to configure the iSCSI devices to the system.
     devfsadm -i iscsi
ASL/APM installation
For iSCSI support is available on storage arrays that are defined in the HCL (Hardware Compatibility List) - TECH47620, 000039907, and TECH170013 (listed at the end of this document)
The required ASL/APM download links to support DMP are provided in the HCLs.
Storage Configuration
For Storage Configuration for DMP support, please refer to 000031529  (listed at the end of this document)

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