V-203-24581-29 "vxio: Disk driver returned error %4 when vxio tried to read block %3 on %2" appears in Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows

Article: 100018042
Last Published: 2013-04-26
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


V-203-24581-29 "vxio: Disk driver returned error %4 when vxio tried to read block %3 on %2" appears in Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows

Error Message

vxio: Disk driver returned error %4 when vxio tried to read block %3 on %2



This message indicates that disk driver returned an error during a read operation.


Review the Windows Event Viewer for any hard disk failure or connectivity events.


Further information about troubleshooting messages that are reported by vxio can be found in the article that is linked in the "Related Documents" section


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