The following entries appear in the output of the bpimagelist -l command. The entries for the IMAGE and FRAG lines are in the charts below. The HISTO line should always be -1 for all values. You might also consider using the -json or -json_compact options instead.
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpimagelist -lIMAGE client_name, date1, date2, version, backupid, policy_name, client_type, proxy_client, creator, sched_label, sched_type, retention, backup_time, elapsed, expiration, compression, encryption, kbytes, num_files, copies, num_fragments, files_compressed, files_file, version, name1, options, primary, image_type, tir_info, tir_expiration, keywords, mpx, ext_security, raw, dump_lvl, fs_only, prev_BItime, BIfull_time, obj_desc, requestID, backup_stat, backup_copy, prev_image, jobid, num_resumes, resume_expr, ff_size, pfi_type, image_attrib, ss_classification_id, ss_name, ss_completed, snap_time, slp_version, remoteExpiration, origin_master_server, origin_master_guid, ir_enabled, client_charset, hold, kilobytes_data_transferred, image_dteMode, intelligent_catalog_archiving, resilient_expiration, malware_scan_result, image_group_key
HISTO -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
FRAG copy_num, frag_num, KB, remainder, media_type, density, file_num, id/path, host, block_size, offset, media_date, dev_written, f_flags, media_desc, expiration, mpx, ret_level, checkpoint, resume_nbr, media_seq_no, media_subtype, ss_try_to_keep_date, copy_date, fragment_state, data_format, kms_key_tag, slp_dest_tag, mirror_parent, copy_on_hold, copy_dtemode, hierarchical_dtemode, copy_worm_lock_flags, copy_worm_unlock_time, held_for_dependent_copy
The different fields in the IMAGE entry are:
Field | Field Header | Example | Description |
1 | Record Header | IMAGE | |
2 | Client Name | myclient | The name of the client being backed up. |
3 | Date1 | 0 | |
4 | Date2 | 0 | |
5 | Version | 7 | The version id of the image data format: 7 = NetBackup 5.0 - 6.0, 8 = NetBackup 6.5 - 7.1, 9 = NetBackup 7.5 and later. |
6 | Backup ID | myclient_1115034756 | The Backup ID recorded in the Image Database |
7 | Class Name | mypolicy | The name of the policy associated with this backup. |
8 | Client Type | 13 | The type of client: 0 = STANDARD, 1 = PROXY, 2 = NONSTANDARD, 3 = APOLLO_WBAK, 4 = ORACLE, 6 = INFORMIX, 7 = SYBASE, 8 = MAC, 9 = WINDOWS, 10 = NETWARE, 11 = BACKTRACK, 12 = AUSPEX FASTBACKUP, 13 = WINDOWS NT, 14 = OS2, 15 = SQL SERVER, 16 = EXCHANGE, 17 = SAP, 18 = DB2, 19 = NDMP, 20 = FLASHBACKUP, 21 = SPLIT-MIRROR, 22 = AFS, 23 = DFS, 25 = LOTUS_NOTES, 26 = NCR_TERADATA, 27 = VAX_VMS, 28 = HP3000_MPE, 29 = FLASHBACKUP WINDOWS, 30 = VAULT, 31 = BE SQL SERVER, 32 = BE EXCHANGE, 33 = MACINTOSH, 34 = DISK STAGING, 35 = NBU CATALOG, 36 = GENERIC, 37 = CMS DB, 38 = PUREDISK EXPORT, 39 = ENTERPRISE VAULT, 40 = VMWARE, 41 = HYPER-V, 42 = NBU SEARCH. |
9 | Proxy Client | *NULL* | |
10 | Creator | root | The user who started the backup. |
11 | Schedule Label | Incr_bkup | The name of the schedule that wrote the original backup. |
12 | Schedule Type | 1 | The type of schedule: 0 = Full, 1 = Differential Incremental, 2 = User Backup, 3 = User Archive, 4 = Cumulative Incremental, 5 = Archived redo log backup (only with OIP) |
13 | Retention Level | 3 | The Retention Level of the backup: 0 - 24 (use bpretlevel -l to see the Retention Period that corresponds to the Retention Level). |
14 | Backup Time (Image Directory Name) | 1115034756 | The time that the backup started. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time. |
15 | Elapsed Time in Seconds | 46 | How long the backup took to run to completion. |
16 | Expiration (Image) | 1116244356 | The expiration time of the next copy of the image to expire. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time. |
17 | Compression | 0 | 0 = Software Compression not used, 1 = Software Compression used. |
18 | Encryption | 0 | 0 = Encryption not used, 1 = Encryption used. |
19 | Kbytes Written | 5612 | The number of Kbytes backed up. |
20 | Number of Files | 15 | The number of files backed up. |
21 | Copies | 1 | The number of copies. A value greater than 1 indicates that the image has been duplicated. |
22 | Number of Fragments | 2 | The number of fragments in all copies of the backup image. |
23 | Files File Compressed | 0 | 0 = Files File is not Compressed, 1 = Files File is Compressed (pre-NetBackup 7.6 compression), 4 = Files File is Compressed (NetBackup 7.6+ Compression) |
24 | Files File | myclient_1115034756.INCR.f | The name of the Files File in the image database. |
25 | Software Version | *NULL* | |
26 | Name1 | *NULL* | |
27 | bpimagelist Input Options | 0 | |
28 | Primary Copy | 1 | Primary Copy number (this is the copy that is used by default for restores and duplications). |
29 | Image Type | 0 | 0 = REGULAR or Normal Backup, 1 = PRE_IMPORT or Phase 1 import of this image is completed, 2 = IT_IMPORTED or Phase 2 import of this image is completed, this also means that an imported image was backed up. |
30 | True Image Recovery Info | 0 | 0 = True Image Recovery was not used, 1 = True Image Recovery was used. |
31 | True Image Recovery Expiration | 0 | The expiration date for the True Image Recovery (TIR) data. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get the date and time. Zero if TIR was not used. |
32 | Keywords | *NULL* | The keyword associated with the policy, NULL = no keyword used. |
33 | MPX | 0 | 0 = Multiplexing was not used, 1 = Multiplexing was used. |
34 | Extended Security Info | 0 | 0 = Extended security info not used, 1 = Extended security info was used. |
35 | Individual File Restore from Raw | 0 | 0 = Not used, this only applies to Auspex FastBackup and Flashbackup type classes. |
36 | Image Dump Level | 0 | Dump level for NDMP incremental backups. |
37 | File System Only | 0 | This is a flag used for restores. |
38 | Previous Block Incremental Time | 0 | Used for BLIB, 0 = NOT used, else previous BLIB backup time. |
39 | Block Incremental Full Time | 0 | Used for BLIB, 0 = NOT used, else current BLIB backup time. |
40 | Object Description | *NULL* | |
41 | Request ID | 0 | |
42 | Backup Status | 0 | Backup exit status: 0 = Successful, 150 = Administrator terminated, etc... |
43 | Backup Copy | 0 | Backup copy type: 0 = Normal, 1 = 3rd Party Copy, 2 = Media Server Copy, 3 = NAS Copy, 4 = Persistent Frozen Image, 5 = NDMP Copy. |
44 | Prev Backup Image | *NULL* | Used for Synthetic Backups. The backup id of the previous backup for the client in the policy. |
45 | Job ID | 703 | The job ID. |
46 | Number of Resumes | 0 | |
47 | Resume Expiration | 0 | |
48 | Files File Size | 348 | The Files File size in bytes. |
49 | PFI Type | 0 | |
50 | Image Attribute | 0 | |
51 | Data Classification ID | (a long hexadecimal value) | ID value corresponding to Data Classification selected (for example, "Platinum"). |
52 | Storage Lifecycle Policy | SLP_name | The name of the Storage Lifecycle Policy (SLP), if used. |
53 | STL_Completed | 3 | The status of the Storage Lifecycle processing for the image: 0 = NOT SLP MANAGED, 1 = NOT STARTED, 2 = IN PROCESS, 3 = COMPLETED. |
54 | Snap Time | 0 | The creation date of the snapshot (if applicable). This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time. |
55 | SLP Version | 1 | "Version" number of the SLP policy |
56 | Remote Expiration | 1299000000 | Remote copy expiration time. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time. |
57 | Origin Master Server | nbumaster | Hostname of the original master server. |
58 | Origin Master GUID | Long string denoting the GUID of the original master server. | |
59 | IR Enabled | 1 | 0 = Instant Recovery not used, 1 = Catalog this snapshot for later use by Instant Recovery or SLP. |
60 | Client Character Set | 1 | Integer representation of the charset used when the client calls bpcd. |
61 | Image on Hold | 0 | 0 = No copies on hold, non-zero = Binary representation of which copy/copies are marked for legal hold. |
62 | Kilobytes Data Transferred | 5612 | DTE mode of backup image : 0 = DTE off, 1 = DTE On (As of 7.7.1) |
63 | Image DTE Mode | 1 | DTE mode of backup image : 0 = DTE off, 1 = DTE On (As of 9.1) |
64 | Intelligent Catalog Archiving | 1 | 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled (as of 10.0) |
65 | Reslient Expiration | 1 | 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled (as of 10.1.1) (previously this field held ‘malware_scan_result’ since 10.0) |
66 | Malware Scan Result | 2 | 0 = not scanned; 1 = impacted; 2 = clean ; 3 = not supported (as of 10.0, moved from field 65 to 66 in 10.1.1) |
67 | Image Group Key | 1 | As of 10.0 (moved from field 66 to 67 in 10.1.1) |
68 | Anomaly Status | 1 | 0 = UNDEFINED; 1 = NOT_PROCESSED; 2 = ANOMALOUS; 3 = NOT_ANOMALOUS; 4 = NOT_REVIEWED; 5 = FALSE POSITIVE; 6 = IGNORED (As of |
70 | Anomaly Severity | 1 | 0 = UNDEFINED; 1 = NOT_PROCESSED; 2 = LOW; 3 = MEDIUM; 4 = HIGH (As of |
71 | Anomaly Score | 15.32 | Anomaly detection score of the image. Value could be a two digit decimal positive number. |
The different fields in the FRAG entry are:
Field | Field Header | Example | Description | |
1 | Record Header | FRAG | ||
2 | Copy Number | 1 | The copy number. Default: 1 for the first copy, 2 for the second copy, etc. | |
3 | Fragment Number | 1 | The fragment number within the backup copy. A fragment of -1 indicates it is a TIR fragment. In 7.1 and later, a fragment number of -2147482648 denotes it is an AIR fragment. | |
4 | Kilobytes | 32 | The size in Kbytes of the fragment. | |
5 | Remainder | 0 | The remainder in bytes. | |
6 | Media Type | 2 | The media type of the fragment. This is a numeric value that indicates the type of media used: 0 = Disk, 1 = Unitree, 2 = Tape, 3 = NDMP, 5 = Checkpoint, 6 = Disk Staging. | |
7 | Density | 13 | If the copy was written to tape, this is a numeric value that indicates the type of media that was used: 6 = HCART, 13 = DLT, 14 = HCART2, 15 = DLT2, 16 = 8MM, 17 = 8MM2, 19 = DTF, 20 = HCART3, 21 = DLT3, 22 = 8MM3. | |
8 | File Number | 48 | The file number. This is a numeric value that indicates the file number on the media. This number will be displayed in the Activity Monitor under the Job Detailed Status as "positioning to file". | |
9 | ID/Path | A00001 | The Media ID or Basic Disk disk path that the backup was written to. Disk backup types other than Basic Disk display a Media ID of the form "@xxxxxx". | |
10 | Host | server1 | The media server that wrote the backup. This is the hostname of the media server. | |
11 | Block Size | 65536 | The block size used when writing the backup. | |
12 | Offset | 155 | The block offset of the start of the fragment on the media. | |
13 | Media Date | 1112641625 | The media date. This is the "Assign Time" of this media when the image was written. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time. | |
14 | Device Written On | 2 | The device that the copy was written on. This is the tape drive index, or -1 for disk based backups. | |
15 | f_flags | 0 | This is an internal flag, and should always be 0. | |
16 | Media Descriptor | *NULL* | In 6.x and later, disk based backup location information. In 5.x, this should always be 0. | |
17 | Expiration | 1116244356 | The expiration time of the image. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time. | |
18 | MPX | 0 | A value of 0 indicates multiplexing was not used. A value of 1 indicates multiplexing was used. | |
19 | Retention Level | 65537 | The Retention Level of the image copy, plus 65536. | |
20 | Checkpoint | 0 | ||
21 | Resume NBR | 0 | ||
22 | Media Seq # | 0 | ||
23 | Media Subtype | 1 | In 6.x, type of Disk Storage Unit. In 5.x, this should always be 0. | |
24 | Try to Keep Time | 0 | In 6.5 and above, for the first fragment of each copy - expiration date for capacity-managed copies written using a Storage Lifecycle Policy, otherwise 0. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time. In 5.x and 6.0, this should always be 0. | |
25 | Copy Creation Time | 1201888951 | In 6.5 and above, for the first fragment of each copy - the time that the copy was written, otherwise 0. This is a UNIX time value (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970). Use bpdbm -ctime to get date and time. In 5.x and 6.0, this should always be 0. | |
26 | Unused1 | 0 | In 7.1 and earlier, this field is unused and should always be 0. | |
27 | Key Tag | *NULL* | KMS Key. (pre-7.5) | |
28 | STL tag | *NULL* | SLP Destination Name. (pre-7.5) | |
26 | Fragment State | 1 | SLP Fragment State: 1 = ACTIVE, 2 = TO BE DELETED, 3 = ELIGIBLE FOR EXPIRATION. (7.5 and later) | |
27 | Data Format | 1 | Backup Data Format: 1 = TAR, 2 = SNAPSHOT, 3 = NDMP. (7.5 and later) | |
28 | Key Tag | *NULL* | KMS Key. (7.5 and later) | |
29 | STL Tag | *NULL* | SLP Destination Name. (7.5 and later) | |
30 | Mirror Parent | 0 | Mirror Parent Copy Number. | |
31 | Copy On Hold | 0 | Copy Hold Status: 0=Not On Hold, 1=On Hold, ?=Unknown. | |
32 | Copy DTE Mode | 1 | The value of this option will be 1 if the DTE mode was enabled when this image copy was created. Otherwise the value will be 0. | |
33 | Hierarchical DTE Mode | 1 | Value will be 1 if the DTE mode was enabled when this image copy and all its ancestor copies were created. Otherwise the value will be 0. | |
34 | Copy WORM Flags | 20 | Bitmap indelible_pending (0x2); indelible_confirmed (0x4), immutable_pending(0x8),immutable_confirmed(0x10) delete_pending(0x20) (since 10.3) | |
35 | Copy WORM Unlock Time | 1679329145 | Elapse time of storage-enforced WORM indelible lock(epoch time) (since 10.3) | |
36 | Held For Dependent Copy | 1 | 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled (since 10.3) |