Enterprise Vault Mailbox Synchronization for Exchange Mailbox Archiving Tasks

Article: 100017500
Last Published: 2020-06-03
Ratings: 2 2
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


Enterprise Vault (EV) Mailbox Synchronization for Exchange Mailbox Archiving Tasks


Enterprise Vault keeps details of the Exchange Server mailboxes. The details are maintained by the Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task. By default, the Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task updates the details of all mailboxes every day at 12 AM and 12 PM.  This is known as Exchange Mailbox Synchronization.

If the midday and midnight synchronization are not acceptable, the task can be modified to reflect a satisfactory schedule.

To edit the mailbox synchronization times follow the instructions given below:
  1. In the Vault Administration Console (VAC) expand Enterprise Vault Servers and select the required EV server.
  2. Click on Tasks 
  3. Double-click the Mailbox Archiving Task for the required Exchange server to display the Properties page.
  4. Click the Settings tab.
  5. Select the desired synchronization schedule.
  6. Click OK to close the properties window.

To synchronize mailboxes outside of the scheduled times perform the following:

  1. In the VAC expand Enterprise Vault Servers and select the required EV server.
  2. Click on Tasks.
  3. In the right-hand pane, double-click the Mailbox Archiving Task for the Exchange server, to display the properties window.
  4. Select the Synchronization tab. Make sure All mailboxes and Mailbox properties and permissions are selected as shown in Figure 1.
  5. Click Synchronize.

To see when synchronization has completed, open Veritas Enterprise Vault log in Event Viewer.  There will be an informational event for starting and completing the synchronization:

3197 "Starting synchronization run of all mailboxes on Exchange server EXCHANGESERVER"

3437 "Finished synchronization run of all mailboxes on Exchange server EXCHANGESERVER"

  1. Click OK to close the properties window.

Figure 1 



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