STATUS CODE: 176: Unable to import media after a barcode change when using an ACS library. Veritas NetBackup (tm) automatically synchronizes the barcode to match the media ID.

Article: 100017221
Last Published: 2020-03-09
Ratings: 0 1
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection


STATUS CODE: 176: Unable to import media after a barcode change when using an ACS library. Veritas NetBackup (tm) automatically synchronizes the barcode to match the media ID.

Error Message

cannot perform specified media import operation



NetBackup will not import tapes in an ACSLS library when the barcode label is different than the media ID or recorded volume serial number (RVSN)  . A mismatch occurs when the barcode and media ID do not match in the volume database.
A mismatch can occur for multiple reasons. Two examples include:
1. When using tapes previously written by a different barcode,  labels are placed into an ACSLS library using a new barcode label.
2. The administrator attempts to change the mediaID field (using vmchange) to match the RVSN. In this example when the inventory is updated, the barcode and media ID will be synchronized.

Any attempt to move the tape into a drive device will fail because automatic volume recognition daemon (AVRD) will record the mismatch and reject the media.
Any attempt to create a mismatch by changing the media ID in the volume database to match the RVSN will also fail. For API robot types ACS, LMF, RSM, TLH, andTLM,  the media ID is always equal to the barcode by definition.  When NetBackup is mounting tapes in these kinds of robots, it is always mounting by media ID.  The barcode field in the volume database is always synchronized with the media ID in all the media management protocols.

This is working as designed and is specific to API robot types such as ACS, LMF, RSM, TLH,TLM.
The requirement is that the barcode label and media ID in the volume database must always match the recorded media ID (RVSN) on the tape.

Any Phase 1 import will fail with a Status 176 due to the difference between the barcode and the media ID.  

For other type robots, for example TLD or TL8,  it is possible to create a mismatch by using the vmchange command.

Example:" vmchange -m <mediaid> -barcode<barcode> "  will to change the media id to match the RVSN and not the barcode listed in the volume database. This manual update to the volume database will allow an import when the media ID and barcode are mismatched.


Verify the type of robotic library being used for the import

The tpconfig command can be used to see what type of robot is configured on the media server:
# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig -d

Client LogFiles:  N/A


To be able to restore from these tapes, the media ID used when mounting the tapes via automatic cartridge system daemon (ACSD) needs to match the recorded media ID as found in the header on the tape (RVSN).  The bpimport process will not import tapes when the recorded media ID (RVSN) read from the tape differs from the media ID requested in the Phase 1 import.

The recommended approach is to use a barcode label that matches the recorded media ID.  Tapes can be mounted in a drive with AVRD running so that the recorded media ID is displayed. Then, a barcode with that label needs to be placed on the tape.

The following workarounds are available:
  • Import the tape using a standalone drive.  This will not read the barcode on the tape, it will only read the recorded media ID.  This will allow the Phase 1 import to complete successfully.  Once the Phase 2 import of the tape is complete, duplicate the images to a different tape in the ACSLS library.  Once the images are duplicated,  the previous tape can be expired and relabeled using the new barcode.
  • Check with StorageTek (STK) for assistance using the STK virtual volume feature.  ACSLS used to support a feature where it was possible to add an unlabeled tape to ACSLS by specifying a virtual volume label. ACSLS then kept track of that tape without using the barcode reader in the library, and the volumes could then be recreated with their original media IDs as ACSLS volumes.If this option is still available,  it will allow the tape to be added to the library without the barcode. This will allow NetBackup to import the tape since there will be no conflict between the barcode and the recorded mediaID.


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