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STATUS CODE 176: An import of a media fails with "cannot perform specified media import operation" when importing a tape from a different VERITAS NetBackup (tm) environment with Media ID Generation rules in effect for either…
Article: 100017186
Last Published: 2013-10-23
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): NetBackup & Alta Data Protection
STATUS CODE 176: An import of a media fails with "cannot perform specified media import operation" when importing a tape from a different VERITAS NetBackup (tm) environment with Media ID Generation rules in effect for either environment.Solution
STATUS CODE 176: An importof a media fails with "cannot perform specified media import operation" whenimporting a tape from a different NetBackup environment, with Media IDGeneration rules in effect for eitherenvironment.
Examine if a Media ID GenerationRule is being used at either site for the applicable robots. If Media IDGeneration settings differ between sites, NetBackup may inventory the media witha Media ID that is different than the actual recorded Media ID if that media ismoved to another site. This is what causes the errors seenbelow. The media must have the same NetBackup Media ID at both sites.
Examine Media ID Generation Rules by following these steps:
STATUS CODE 176: An importof a media fails with "cannot perform specified media import operation" whenimporting a tape from a different NetBackup environment, with Media IDGeneration rules in effect for eitherenvironment.
Examine if a Media ID GenerationRule is being used at either site for the applicable robots. If Media IDGeneration settings differ between sites, NetBackup may inventory the media witha Media ID that is different than the actual recorded Media ID if that media ismoved to another site. This is what causes the errors seenbelow. The media must have the same NetBackup Media ID at both sites.
Examine Media ID Generation Rules by following these steps:
1. Within the WindowsNetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and Device Management in the leftpane
Right Click
Media and select
Inventory Robot to access the Robot InventoryScreen
3. In the Advanced Optionsof the Robot Inventory screen, Click
Media ID Generation
Note: In earlier versions ofNetBackup 4.5, the Media ID Generation rules are accessible directly from theInventory Robot screen.
Master Log Files:
9/7/2005 11:15:11 AM - begin Importoperation
9/7/2005 11:15:14 AM -started process bptm (1560)
9/7/200511:15:14 AM - started process bptm(1560)
9/7/2005 11:15:14 AM -mounting 000001
9/7/2005 11:15:56 AM- Error bptm(pid=1560) Media mounted has media id of 0001L1, but 000001 wasrequested. Must add 0001L1 to Media Manager volume database andretry.
9/7/2005 11:15:58 AM - Errorbpimport(pid=3560) Status = cannot perform specified media importoperation.
9/7/2005 11:15:59 AM - endImport operation; operation time:00:00:48
cannot perform specifiedmedia import operation(176)
Media Server LogFiles:
13:31:27.022[2932.3968] <16> load_media: Media mounted has media id of 0001L1, but000001 was requested. Must add 0001L1 to Media Manager volume database andretry.
13:31:27.037 [2932.3968]<2> getsockconnected: host=tsbcka service=bpcd address= reservedport=13782
13:31:27.037 [2932.3968]<2> getsockconnected: Connect to tsbcka on port900
13:31:27.037 [2932.3968]<2> logconnections: BPCD CONNECT FROM TO172.
13:31:27.162[2932.3968] <2> io_close: closing D:\ProgramFiles\VERITAS\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq/000001, from.\bptm.c.13417
13:31:27.162[2932.3968] <2> tpunmount: tpunmount'ing D:\ProgramFiles\VERITAS\NetBackup\db\media\tpreq/000001
13:31:27.272[2932.3968] <2> TpUnmountWrapper: SCSIRELEASE
13:31:27.475 [2932.3968]<2> bptm: EXITING with status 176<----------
Perform thefollowing steps on the site where the media are being imported:
1. Within the Mediasection of the NetBackup Administration Console, delete the media in questionthat cannot be imported. This will allow the media to be re-inventoriedproperly.
Change the MediaID Generation configuration (for the applicable robots) to match that of theother site. This may mean simply removing Media ID Generation rules temporarily,if they are not in use in the other NetBackup environment.
3. Reinventory the mediafrom step 1, using the "Update Volume Configuration" option
4. Revert the Media IDGeneration rule back to its former setting as needed. However, when mediais imported from another site, this may need to be changed once again.
With the media inventoried as the proper Media ID, theimport should now proceed asexpected.
Always be sure that media is imported as soon as possible afterinventory, so that it is not left unassigned and overwritten by a backupjob.