How to verify backup mode for Enterprise Vault (EV) event log using Event ID messages

Article: 100011782
Last Published: 2024-05-14
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


Enterprise Vault generates numerous events indicating the setting and clearing of backup mode. The events are informational and vary depending on the version and request. This digest categorizes these events with additional information on how to set and clear backup mode.

Error Message

Each of the categorized events is Informational and can be found in the Enterprise Vault Event Viewer. The events, charted below, differ depending on the installed version of Enterprise Vault.

Note: Two documented methods to set and clear back up mode.

  • Using the Vault Administrate Console to set backup mode. See Documentation
  • Using PowerShell cmdlets in backup scripts to set backup mode. See Documentation

Event ID Version Description
7058 14.x, and 15.x Vault stores are put into backup mode from the individual Vault Store Level
7059 14.x, and 15.x Vault stores are put into backup mode from the Vault Store Group Level
7060 14.x, and 15.x Vault stores are put into backup mode from the Site Level
7079 14.x, and 15.x Vault stores taken out of backup mode from the individual Vault Store Level
7080 14.x, and 15.x Vault stores are taken out of backup mode from the Vault Store Group Level
7081 14.x, and 15.x Vault stores are taken out of backup mode from the Site Level
41333 14.x, and 15.x Indexes are put into backup mode
41334 14.x, and 15.x Indexes are taken out of backup mode



All the events are informational, and are displayed to identify the current mode of the storage location. They do not require additional action, and these events can safely be ignored.



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