During collections, the migration to an IBM DR550 fails with errors Event ID 28944 and Event ID 6918

Article: 100011292
Last Published: 2023-08-25
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


During collections, archived items are correctly collected into CAB files but the migration to an IBM DR550 is not being performed and errors 28944 and 6918 appear in the Veritas Enterprise Vault event log.

Error Message

[Veritas Enterprise Vault event log]

Event ID: 28944
Category: StorageFileWatch
Description: The 3rd party storage system application 'TSM Migrator' has logged the following message: |Error in tsmGetNextQObj. rcMsg=ANS1245E (RC122) The file has an unknown format.|


Event ID: 6918
Category: StorageFileWatch
Description: A Collector encountered an error during migration. The Collector will abandon migration for the current run. Migration attempts will continue during future runs. |Reason: Unspecified error (0x80004005) |PartitionEntryID: 10E064886BDAAAA439AF9BF16DCB8C60D1q10000EVAULT1 |Secondary Storage Location: |Method: CCollector::ProcessCachedMigratedFile (PCMF/M/VF)



In order to verify the issue, it will be necessary to capture a Dtrace of the StorageFileWatch process.


[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV:L {CMigratorHelper::AccessMigrator} (Entry)
[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV:M CMigratorHelper::AccessMigrator : Entered : PartitionEntryId = 10E064886BDAAAA439AF9BF16DCB8C60D1q10000EVAULT1
[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV:M CMigratorHelper::AccessMigrator : Initializing MigratorCallback object
[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV:M CMigratorHelper::AccessMigrator : IStorageSystemCallbackPrimer.QueryInterface for IMigratorCallback
[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV:L {CMigratorHelper::AccessMigrator} (Exit) Status: [Success]
[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV:L Read Collection details| CollectionIdentity = [92568] PartitionIdentity = [0] RelativeFilename =[2013\08-26\D\Collection92568.CAB] MigratedFileId = [81014739-06cb-4155-8787-29819ebc1d19] MigratedDate = [41565.610012] HSMType = [1] FileFormat = [CAB] RefCount = [200] TotalCount = [200]
[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV:M TSM Migrator: Calling tsmBeginQuery.
[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV:M TSM Migrator: tsmBeginQuery return OK.
[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV~E Event ID: 28944 The 3rd party storage system application 'TSM Migrator' has logged the following message: |Error in tsmGetNextQObj. rcMsg=ANS1245E (RC122) The file has an unknown format.| |
[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV:M TSM Migrator: Error in tsmGetNextQObj. rcMsg=ANS1245E (RC122) The file has an unknown format.|
[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV:M TSM Migrator: Calling tsmEndQuery.
[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV:M TSM Migrator: tsmEndQuery return OK.
[3916] (StorageFileWatch) <1492> EV~E Event ID: 6918 A Collector encountered an error during migration. The Collector will abandon migration for the current run. Migration attempts will continue during future runs. |Reason: Unspecified error (0x80004005) |PartitionEntryID: 10E064886BDAAAA439AF9BF16DCB8C60D1q10000EVAULT1 |Secondary Storage Location: |Method: CCollector::ProcessCachedMigratedFile (PCMF/M/VF) |


The API version used to start the backup is higher than the TSM Client API version.


Upgrade TSM Client and API to a later version.




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