How to stop, start and restart all services for Backup Exec

Article: 100007798
Last Published: 2019-01-22
Ratings: 10 7
Product(s): Backup Exec


How to stop, start and restart all services for Backup Exec 



If the Backup Exec services needs to be stopped, started or restarted then either the Backup Exec Services Manager or a manual method can be used. As the Backup Exec Services needs to be stopped and started in a proper sequence, it is recommended to do it from the BE Services Manager instead of the Windows Services Manager. However if required user can use the Windows Service Manager or any other method of services management and stop or start the services in the correct sequence manually.



GUI method

1. Within the Backup Exec Administration Console, click the Backup Exec button and then select Configuration and Settings --> Backup Exec Services from the resulting menu.

2. Use the Start, Stop or Restart buttons as appropriate to the desired outcome. Note: the deduplication services can also be included by enabling/checking the option located at the bottom of the services manager


Manual Method

Using the Windows Services Manager (services.msc) or any other services manager, stop the Backup Exec Services in the following order: (items marked with a * are only required if the state of the deduplication services also need changing)

  • Backup Exec Job Engine
  • Backup Exec Management Service
  • Backup Exec Agent Browser
  • Backup Exec Server
  • Backup Exec Device & Media Service
  • Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows
  • *Backup Exec Deduplication Multi-threaded Streaming Agent
  • *Backup Exec PureDisk Filesystem Service
  • *Backup Exec Deduplication Engine
  • *Backup Exec Deduplication Manager
  • Backup Exec Error Recording Service

In order to start the services, reverse the order of the above list.



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