NetBackup tape library inventory is failing with Media Manager status code 34 (Media ID is not unique in database)
NetBackup tape library inventory is failing with Media Manager status code 34 (Media ID is not unique in database)
Error Message
Operation: Inventory and Update
EMM Server: servername
Generating list of recommended changes ...
Proposed Change(s) to Update the Volume Configuration
Logically add new media DR0076 (barcode DR0076L2) to robot slot 2.
Logically add new media DR0033 (barcode DR0033L2) to robot slot 4.
Logically add new media DR0082 (barcode DR0082L2) to robot slot 7.
Updating volume configuration ...
Processing new media added to the robotic library by logically
adding media with new media IDs as follows...
Media ID Slot
======== ====
Update failed: could not add new media ID 'DR0076' into slot 2
Insert media failed:
media ID not unique in database (34)
From reqlib* debug log:13:53:39.926 [11372] <16> do_new_add_robotic: (-) Translating EMM_ERROR_MediaExist(2001000) to 34 in the Media context
*Note: For Media Manager debug logging, refer to the Veritas NetBackup Logging Reference Guide.
From robtest command (100016263):
- Tapes in question have 8 character barcode
From vmquery -m <mediaID> command output:
- The problematic tapes only have a 6 character barcode documented
For the problem media IDs, change the existing barcode in NetBackup to match the robtest output, or output as seen in tape library web GUI.
Example command to correct the barcodes:
- Unix/Linux:
/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmchange -m DR0076 -barcode DR0076L2
- Windows:
install_path/Volmgr/bin/vmchange -m DR0076 -barcode DR0076L2
Then re-run the NetBackup tape library inventory sequence.
Note: This may complete successfully, or the output will show the next media ID experiencing issues.