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Article: 100003281
Last Published: 2015-06-18
Ratings: 1 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation
This document attempts to explain the meaning and handling of the special EMC CLARiiON "LUNZ" device and how it can impact the Solaris leadville stack.Host registration to a CLARiiON array is done in band, that is, through the Fibre Channel connection. In order for a host to register successfully a special "LUNZ" device must be successfully presented to the host for every path that is zoned to the array. A "LUNZ" is a logical device that allows host software, that is, the Navisphere agent to pass commands to the array. The "LUNZ" devices takes the place of "HLU 0" until a real physical storage is allocated. The LUNZ devices are created based on the arraycommpath setting in Navisphere.
In this instance, EMC CLARiiON "ALU" 3 has been assigned to storagegroup "rdgv240sol13+14-EFI-lun" with a "HLU" of "0".
Figure 1.0
# ./navicli -h storagegroup -list -gname rdgv240sol13+14-EFI-lun
Storage Group Name: rdgv240sol13+14-EFI-lun
Storage Group UID: 54:60:C4:59:73:0F:E0:11:B2:6A:00:60:16:01:6D:D5
HLU/ALU Pairs:
HLU Number ALU Number
---------- ----------
0 3
Shareable: YES
Note: The HLU denotes the O/S device number, ie Solaris it would be c#t#d0.
Volume Manager disk details prior to the storagegroup being connected to the host
# vxdisk -eo alldgs list
bootdisk auto:none - - online invalid c2t1d0s2 -
# vxdmpadm listenclosure all
disk Disk DISKS CONNECTED Disk 1
# /inq.sol64
Inquiry utility, Version V7.3-1059 (Rev 2.0) (SIL Version V7.1.2.0 (Edit Level 1059)
Copyright (C) by EMC Corporation, all rights reserved.
For help type inq -h.
/dev/rdsk/c1t500601603021C60Ed0s2 :DGC :LUNZ :0226 :00000000 : FAILED
/dev/rdsk/c1t500601613021C60Ed0s2 :DGC :LUNZ :0226 :00000000 : FAILED
/dev/rdsk/c1t500601683021C60Ed0s2 :DGC :LUNZ :0226 :00000000 : FAILED
/dev/rdsk/c1t500601693021C60Ed0s2 :DGC :LUNZ :0226 :00000000 : FAILED
/dev/rdsk/c1t5006048C5368E5A0d0s2 :EMC :SYMMETRIX :5773 :2200010000 : 2880
/dev/rdsk/c1t5006048C5368E580d0s2 :EMC :SYMMETRIX :5773 :2200010000 : 2880
/dev/rdsk/c1t5006048C53697980d0s2 :EMC :SYMMETRIX :5773 :1400010330 : 2880
/dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s2 :SEAGATE :ST373307LSUN72G :0707 :050003b9Z7 : 71687369
/dev/rdsk/c2t1d0s2 :SEAGATE :ST373307LSUN72G :0707 :050003b9Y1 : 71687369
/dev/rdsk/c2t2d0s2 :SEAGATE :ST373307LSUN72G :0707 :050003b9VN : 71687369
/dev/vx/rdmp/bootdisks2 :SEAGATE :ST373307LSUN72G :0707 :050003b9Y1 : 71687369
Note: The special LUNZ devices configured on c#t#d0s2.
Note: In order for the server to see the EMC CLARiiON, the storagegroup must be connected to the host.
# ./navicli -h storagegroup -connecthost -o -host rdgv240sol13 -gname rdgv240sol13+14-EFI-lun
Discover the newly presented EMC CLARiiON device
# cfgadm -alo show_FCP_dev
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c1 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c1::200000017301bbdf unknown connected unconfigured unknown
c1::210000e08b8129fa unknown connected unconfigured unknown
c1::500601603021c60e,0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500601613021c60e,0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500601683021c60e,0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500601693021c60e,0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::5006048c5368e580,0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::5006048c5368e5a0,0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::5006048c53697980,0 disk connected configured unknown
Update VxVM and DMP with the new disk details
# vxdisk scandisks
# vxdmpadm listenclosure all
disk Disk DISKS CONNECTED Disk 1
emc_clariion0 EMC_CLARiiON CK200053300424 CONNECTED CLR-A/PF 1 <<<< CLARiiON device discovered by DMP
# vxdisk list
bootdisk auto:none - - online invalid
emc_clariion0_3 auto:cdsdisk - - online <<<< New lun reported by VxVM
The updated "inq.sol64" reflects that the new EMC CLARiiON physical disk supercedes the "LUNZ" c#t#d0s2 placement.
# /opt/inq.sol64
Inquiry utility, Version V7.3-1059 (Rev 2.0) (SIL Version V7.1.2.0 (Edit Level 1059)
Copyright (C) by EMC Corporation, all rights reserved.
For help type inq -h.
/dev/rdsk/c1t500601603021C60Ed0s2 :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :030000A7 : 524288000
/dev/rdsk/c1t500601613021C60Ed0s2 :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :030000A7 : 524288000
/dev/rdsk/c1t500601683021C60Ed0s2 :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :030000A7 : 524288000
/dev/rdsk/c1t500601693021C60Ed0s2 :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :030000A7 : 524288000
/dev/rdsk/c1t5006048C5368E5A0d0s2 :EMC :SYMMETRIX :5773 :2200010000 : 2880
/dev/rdsk/c1t5006048C5368E580d0s2 :EMC :SYMMETRIX :5773 :2200010000 : 2880
/dev/rdsk/c1t5006048C53697980d0s2 :EMC :SYMMETRIX :5773 :1400010330 : 2880
/dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s2 :SEAGATE :ST373307LSUN72G :0707 :050003b9Z7 : 71687369
/dev/rdsk/c2t1d0s2 :SEAGATE :ST373307LSUN72G :0707 :050003b9Y1 : 71687369
/dev/rdsk/c2t2d0s2 :SEAGATE :ST373307LSUN72G :0707 :050003b9VN : 71687369
/dev/vx/rdmp/bootdisks2 :SEAGATE :ST373307LSUN72G :0707 :050003b9Y1 : 71687369
/dev/vx/rdmp/emc_clariion0_3s2 :DGC :RAID 5 :0226 :030000A7 : 524288000
Error Message
# cfgadm -c configure c1cfgadm: Library error: report LUNs failed: 50060e8005650921
Operation partially successful. Some failures seen
The Solaris leadville stack is presenting both the special EMC LUNZ and the EMC CLARiiON physical lun on HLU "0" as shown in bold below:# cfgadm -alo show_FCP_dev
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c1 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c1::200000017301bbdf unknown connected unconfigured unknown
c1::210000e08b8129fa unknown connected unconfigured unknown
c1::500601603021c60e,0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500601613021c60e,0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500601683021c60e,0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::500601693021c60e,0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::5006048c5368e580,0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::5006048c5368e5a0,0 disk connected configured unknown
c1::5006048c53697980,0 disk connected configured unknown
The Inquiry utility (INQ) is a command-line troubleshooting utility that displays information on storage devices, typically Symmetrix. By default, INQ returns the device name, Symmetrix ID, Symmetrix LUN, and capacity. This utility will operate independently of any other EMC software. Use the INQ Utility to collect system information to provide to EMC Global Services for problem troubleshooting. The latest versions for supported operating systems can be found on EMC's ftp server at
LUNZ has been implemented on EMC CLARiiON arrays to make the array visible to the host OS and PowerPath when no LUNs are bound on that array.
When using a direct connect configuration and there is no Navisphere Management station to talk directly to the array over IP, the LUNZ can be used as a pathway for Navisphere CLI to send bind commands to the array.
LUNZ devices also makes the array visible to the host OS and PowerPath when the host's initiators have not yet `logged in' to the Storage Group created for the host.
Without the LUNZ devices, there would be no device on the host for Navisphere Agent to push the initiator record through to the array. This is mandatory for the host to log in to the Storage Group. Once this initiator push is done, the host will be displayed as an available host to add to the Storage Group in Navisphere Manager (Navisphere Express).
In summary, this occurs because the arraycommpath setting of 1 creates a virtual LUN 0 for communication with the storage system.
NOTE: A way of getting around the LUNZ lun creation is to set arraycommpath to a value of 0. The arraycommpath option enables or disables a communication path from the server to the storage system.
Please consult EMC support prior to making any changes.
A SCSI-3 (SCC-2) term defined as "the logical unit number that an application client uses to communicate with, configure and determine information about an SCSI storage array and the logical units attached to it.
The LUNZ value shall be zero.
In the CLARiiON context, LUNZ refers to a fake logical unit zero presented to the host to provide a path for host software to send configuration commands to the array when no physical logical unit zero is available to the host.
When Access Logix is used on a CLARiiON array, an agent runs on the host and communicates with the storage system through either LUNz or a storage device. On a CLARiiON array, the LUNZ device is replaced when a valid LUN is assigned to the HLU LUN0 by the Storage Group. The agent then communicates through the storage device. The user will continue, however, to see DGC LUNz in the Device Manager.
The Host LUN ID (HLU) is a direct correlation to the dX value in the Solaris device file, cXtXdX
LUNZ is a logical, not ready device used as a place holder. It is visible to a host, regardless of the operating system, when the Arraycommpath setting is enabled for an HBA initiator and that initiator does not see a physical LUN with an address of 0. Prior to seeing physical storage (i.e., before adding a host to a storage group with physical storage), every zoned I/O path to a CLARiiON array should see a LUNZ device.
Avoid using EMC CLARiiON "HLU" lun reference "0", as in this instance this has been reserved for the special EMC CLARiiON LUNZ device.Applies To
Storage Array : EMC CLARiiON (cx500)
Volume Manager : 5.0 MP3 RP4 / 5.1 SP1
Solaris : 10