When using the Enterprise Vault (EV) policy type to back up EV databases (including those used to support backups of Open Partitions), differential jobs fails with a Status 13.
Full backups of the same databases back up normally without error.
Error Message
Job Details
Error bpbrm(pid=1234) from client evserver: ERR - Could not open SQL DB for backup: (Enterprise Vault Resources:\Directory DB (evserver/EnterpriseVaultDirectory)\EnterpriseVaultDirectory).
Error bpbrm(pid=1234) from client evserver1: ERR - Can't open object. Aborting backup: Enterprise Vault Resources:\Directory DB (evserver/EnterpriseVaultDirectory)\EnterpriseVaultDirectory (BEDS 0xE00084A8: A log backup was attempted on a database that is not currently configured to support log backups. To change the configuration use Enterprise Manager to set the recovery mode to FULL in SQL 2000 or turn off the 'trunc on chkpt' option in SQL 7. A new full ba).
Error bpbrm(pid=1234) could not send server status message
end writing
file read failed(13)
The following matching errors are also shown in the bpbkar log on the EV-SQL client:
<2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: ERR - Could not open SQL DB for backup: (Enterprise Vault Resources:\Directory DB (evserver/EnterpriseVaultMonitoring)\EnterpriseVaultMonitoring).
<2> ov_log::V_GlobalLogEx: ERR - enterprise_vault_sql_access::V_OpenForRead():FS_OpenObj() Failed! with error (0xE00084A8:A log backup was attempted on a database that is not currently configured to support log backups. To change the configuration use Enterprise Manager to set the recovery mode to FULL in SQL 2000 or turn off the 'trunc on chkpt' option in SQL 7. A new full backup should be performed if these settings are changed before a log backup is run.
<2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: ERR - Can't open object. Aborting backup: Enterprise Vault Resources:\Directory DB (\EnterpriseVaultMonitoring (BEDS 0xE00084A8: A log backup was attempted on a database that is not currently configured to support log backups. To change the configuration use Enterprise Manager to set the recovery mode to FULL in SQL 2000 or turn off the 'trunc on chkpt' option in SQL 7. A new full ba).
<2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - EXIT STATUS 13: file read failed
When performing Enterprise Vault DB agent backups, it is recommended to configure automatic Full and Differential Incremental backup schedules.
During the differential incremental scheduled backup, transaction logs are truncated automatically after a successful backup. There is no need to configure a
SQL maintenance plan or use a separate SQL backup policy to accomplish the truncation of the transaction logs.
- Change the recovery model setting for EVDirectory and EVMonitoring databases from simple to full.
- Exclude the EV databases from native SQL db backups including NetBackup SQL DB agent backups.
- Make sure that the full NetBackup EV DB agent backups were successful first before running diff-incremental backups.
- Make sure that no other application performed a log backup between the time of the full and diff-incremental backup.
Applies To
Enterprise Vault 8.0 or higher