V-5-1-4838 ddl_search_and_place: Library libhtcusp.so validation fails

Article: 100000694
Last Published: 2011-03-28
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


Encounter the error message when running "vxdctl enable"
V-5-1-4838 ddl_search_and_place: Library libhtcusp.so validation fails

Error Message

VxVM vxconfigd NOTICE V-5-1-4838 ddl_search_and_place: Library
libvxhtc.so validation fails

VxVM vxconfigd NOTICE V-5-1-4838 ddl_search_and_place: Library
libhtcusp.so validation fails

VxVM vxconfigd NOTICE V-5-1-4838 ddl_search_and_place: Library
libvxhtc9500v.so validation fails


Duplicate ASL library after installing 5.0 as previous version requires manual installation of ASL library.

Sample ASL library prior to version 5.0

 # pkginfo -l  HTC-USP

   PKGINST:  HTC-USP      NAME:  Array Support Library for HTC USP  CATEGORY:  system      ARCH:  sparc   VERSION:  1.0,REV=08.06.2004.11.43   BASEDIR:  /etc/vx    VENDOR:  HITACHI



ASL library included in 5.0:

bash-3.00# vxddladm listversion

LIB_NAME                        ASL_VERSION      Min. VXVM version
libvxCLARiiON.so                vm-5.0-rev-2            5.0
libvxcscovrts.so                vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxemc.so                     vm-5.0-rev-3            5.0
libvxengenio.so                 vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxhds9980.so                 vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxhdsalua.so                 vm-5.0-rev-2            5.0
libvxhdsusp.so                  vm-5.0-rev-2            5.0
libvxhpalua.so                  vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxibmds4k.so                 vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxpp.so                      vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxibmds6k.so                 vm-5.0-rev-2            5.0
libvxibmds8k.so                 vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxsena.so                    vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxshark.so                   vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxsunse3k.so                 vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxsunset4.so                 vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxvpath.so                   vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxxp1281024.so               vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvxxp12k.so                   vm-5.0-rev-2            5.0
libvxibmsvc.so                  vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0
libvx3par.so                    vm-5.0-rev-1            5.0


The daemon detects a deprecated Array Support Library (ASL) package installed on the system.
Beginning in version 5.0, all known ASL's  on the release date are already included in the VRTSvxvm package.
Occasionally, support for a new array may be added in the form of an ASL package.
In the following message, the problem library is libhtcusp.so 
V-5-1-4838 ddl_search_and_place: Library libhtcusp.so validation fails
These libraries are located in  /etc/vx/lib/discovery.d.
To determine which package is using that library, use the following pkgchk command and provide the full path name of the library. 
# pkgchk -l -p /etc/vx/lib/discovery.d/libhtcusp.so
Pathname: /etc/vx/lib/discovery.d/libhtcusp.so
Type: regular file
Expected mode: 0775
Expected owner: root
Expected group: sys
Expected file size (bytes): 19868
Expected sum(1) of contents: 29819
Expected last modification: Aug 05 07:43:41 PM 2004
Referenced by the following packages:
Current status: installed
Remove the duplicate ASL as you no logner need this ASL. 
Remove the old ASL package:
# pkgrm HTC-USP
Update Volume Manager and re-scan the devices:
# vxdctl enable
To verify existing ASL packages and its version:
# vxddladm listsupport all
# vxddladm listversion all

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