Veritas NetBackup Appliance 3.1 and later cloud configuration and device mappings updates 1.0.6

Article: 100039718
Last Published: 2019-02-04
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Product(s): Appliances


Veritas NetBackup Appliance 3.1 and later cloud configuration and device mappings updates 1.0.6


This package contains an update to the CloudProvider.xml configuration file, device mappings files, and shell menu interface for NetBackup Appliances running version 3.1 and later. The package updates setting details for cloud providers that are configurable within the NetBackup CloudCatalyst Configuration Wizard, and updates setting details for OpenStorage, robotic and tape storage devices that are configurable within the Configure Disk Storage Servers and Configure Storage Devices wizards.   .

This RPM includes the following NetBackup packages:

  • NetBackup Cloud Configuration package 2.5.2
  • NetBackup Device Mappings package 1.154

This package introduces CloudCatalyst support for the following cloud providers:

  • Microsoft Azure Germany
The presence of a storage provider in the CloudProvider.xml file or a storage provider or storage device in the device mappings files does not indicate, expressed or implied, support of the provider or device on the target NetBackup server. Refer to the NetBackup Hardware and Cloud Storage Compatibility List (HCL), found below in the Related Articles section, for the current list of supported Cloud Providers and storage devices.

These files are for the following NetBackup Appliance configuration only and will not work with earlier releases:

  • NetBackup Appliance 3.1 or later with NetBackup Media Server 8.1 or later. The NetBackup Media Server version cannot be later than its NetBackup Master Server version.

Installation instructions

NOTE:  To configure a NetBackup Appliance as a CloudCatalyst Server with a new Cloud Provider, install the RPM before running NetBackup Appliance Configuration. 

1. SSH into the NetBackup Appliance.

2. Open an NFS or CIFS share on the NetBackup Appliance:

Main_Menu > Manage > Software > Share Open

3. Mount the appliance share directory to the machine where the downloaded RPM resides:

Windows CIFS share:


Linux/UNIX NFS share:

mkdir -p /mount/<appliance-name>
mount <appliance-name>:/inst/patch/incoming /mount/<appliance-name>

4. Copy the RPM to the NetBackup Appliance share. For Linux/UNIX servers, unmount the NetBackup Appliance share after copying the RPM.

5. Close the share on the NetBackup Appliance:

Main_Menu > Manage > Software > Share Close

6. Display the list of available RPMs on the NetBackup Appliance:

Main_Menu > Manage > Software > List Downloaded

7. Install the RPM:

Main_Menu > Manage > Software > Install <RPM file name>



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