An upgrade of Enterprise Vault fails when SQL Mirroring is enabled on the Enterprise Vault databases.

Article: 100019439
Last Published: 2021-11-23
Ratings: 3 0
Product(s): Enterprise Vault


When attempting to upgrade Enterprise Vault (EV), the database upgrade fails when the databases are mirrored using SQL Mirroring.  If applicable, an attempt to upgrade Compliance Accelerator (CA) or Discovery Accelerator (DA) Customer databases that have been mirrored using SQL Mirroring fails.

Error Message

An error occurred attempting to update the Directory database.
Reason: <0x80040e14>
Reference: CFDDBU/idsun

 A dtrace of the DirectoryService shows the following line, which can also be found in the Event logs:

    (DirectoryService)           <5300> EV~E      Event ID: 8557 An error occurred attempting to update the Directory database. | |Reason: <0x80040e14> |Reference: CFDDBU/idsun | | |
    (DirectoryService)           <5300> EV~I       Event ID: 8193 The Directory Service has stopped.

Compliance Accelerator and Discovery Accelerator error:

the database cannot enter requested single-user mode




This error can be returned if database mirroring is being used in SQL. The will cause the upgrade process to fail when attempting to update the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database.

SQL Mirroring removes the ability to place the database into single-user mode. Therefore, an upgrade routine that requests single-user mode will fail.  


Database mirroring must be removed from the EV databases prior to starting the EV Directory Service.


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